Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:17 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Network Marketing: Why We ROCK!
Comments: (3) Labels: Business Tips, network marketingIf all of these big time business men think Network Marketing is a good idea, who are we to question it????
10:46 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Monday, August 30, 2010 6:54 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Aristizabal Conference Call!
Comments: (2)Friday, August 27, 2010 11:53 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
The Ultimate Definition of Excellence!
Comments: (0)In Attitude: The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible!
In Belief: Belief fuels enthusiasm and enthusiasm explodes into passion, it fires our souls and lifts our spirits.
In Focus: Having a simple, clearly defined goal, can capture the imagination and inspire passion. It can cut through the fog like a beacon in the night.
In Perseverance: Being persistent and consistent in your activities.
Can you do it? YES! Will you????????????????
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 5:36 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Are you In?
Comments: (0) Labels: Big Events, Encouragement, Journey, MonaVieThis is a Message of Encouragement. We talk about the importance of the Big Events and how powerful they fire you up to succeed. Get on your journey as we want to see you with us. We will be having a weekly Monday night call so put it on your schedule and join us to learn more about the latest MonaVie news and updates. Check our site and facebook for the call details soon.
Make it a Fabulous MonaVie Day!
Shelly & Ed Aristizabal
Monday, August 16, 2010 1:22 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Gold Rush/Diamond Run Leadership
Comments: (0)Hello MonaVie Leaders:
This is good stuff! How can you change your viewpoint in regards to your Prospect List? Who are the people you have not called to share MonaVie with, based on FEAR! You are afraid they will say no, you are afraid they might think you are a crazy juice person, you are afraid ________(we all have a bunch of items we could put in the blank)... Fear & Faith cannot occupy the same space!!! Make that LIST, reread March 18 in the Connect with God Daily Devotional we are reading, THEN make those calls!!! Be so excited about MonaVie that everyone you talk to will start asking "What have they got that we don't?"
Look at it this way, before you call the person on your list, they are not in your business. The worst that can happen is they might say "no". Can you survive & overcome that? YES! What is the best that can happen? They say YES & you Sponsor them on a 12 case autoship!!! What is most likely to happen? They will be, or they will know someone open to the idea of better health & wealth, then you ITS them!
You can do it! How do I know? More people have said NO to me then all of you combined & I survived and made the rank of Black Diamond - so you can too!!! Please share your success stories with me!
This is going to be a GREAT MonaVie week!!!!
Lesson #5
Change Your Viewpoint
--Leaders change their viewpoints and assist others in doing so to reveal their blind spots
Ophthalmologists are eye doctors. They have a name for a blind spot on the eye: it's called a scotoma. If you have a scotoma, you can see all around something, but not where the blind spot is. So, if I am looking right at you, I might be able to see your whole face, except for your nose.
Now, I can either cure the blind spot or I can change my viewpoint. If I take two steps to the left, then I still have my scotoma or blind spot, but now, with this new viewpoint, I can see your whole face and your nose, too.
Many times we want a result badly, but we do not see achieving it as realistic. That's simply a blind spot we have.
You can shift a blind spot through brainstorming with other people where you are offered someone else's viewpoint. Blind spots can be healed by having a revelation, even an emotional experience that alters their viewpoint of reality.
The author who wrote the famous song, "Amazing Grace," had such a revelation. He was a 26-year-old slave trader on his way from Africa to the United States in the early 1800's. His ship ran into a deadly storm. He prayed to God for a miracle. The storm cleared and he and the ship were saved. He returned immediately to Africa and released all 120 slaves. He then went to England and became a leader of the abolitionist movement.
Many times the life experiences required to have a revelation are too expensive. That's why experiential learning in a good seminar or with a great coach can be so valuable. You can have the benefit of healing a scotoma and not pay anywhere near the cost that life often requires.
The Greek word "metanoia" means to change your viewpoint. The word "sin," in old English, was yelled by someone standing near an archery target to indicate you missed the bull's eye in the center. Feeling guilty is not the focus. If you missed the mark, change your viewpoint and you will hit the mark.
What can you do this week to change a viewpoint that is not giving and getting you the results you want?
If you're not achieving the results you want, you probably have blind spots that are obscuring your viewpoint. A deeply emotional experience can alter your viewpoint in an instant.
Action Step #1
Look at your personal or professional life and pick out a goal you are struggling to accomplish or any situation that isn't the way you want it to be.
Now, meet with two or three people from different professions than yours or who have vastly different interests or experiences. Brainstorm with them, asking what they would do if they were you? No reasons for why it can't be done are allowed. Your job is to listen. Let each person contribute ways to improve your result. It doesn't mean you have to do exactly what they say. Your goal is to change your viewpoint, so you don't sin and miss the target.
"The first thing to growth and change is to catch your-self being yourself."
--Todd Demorest
Thursday, August 12, 2010 1:07 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Book of the Month Discussion Group!!!
Comments: (3) Labels: Book club, Brighart, Diamond Destination, M3, R3Global, Shelly AristizabalRead, Listen & Participate!!! Happy Reading!!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:16 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Quick Tip - Determine Your "WHY"
Comments: (0)Trying out YouTube for 2 Minute Quick Tips!
Monday, August 9, 2010 3:55 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Food for Thought: "Anyway"
Comments: (2)It's called "Anyway."
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.
MonaVie's Operation REscue
Thursday, August 5, 2010 10:43 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Plan your Work and Work your Plan!
Comments: (4) Labels: calendar, comments, Plans, social media, Start with your Dreams, technologyYour Dream Drives you to completing your Plan. I've made a video that shares how to work your plan and schedule yourself on a calendar to achieve your dreams. Visit www.brighart.com to get a great CD from Randy Schroeder. I also wanted to share about the exciting Family Reunion coming up August 20th and I'd love to see all of you there. We have it on our calendar as something we would not miss to achieve our dreams.
What is on your calendar?
If you post your comments I'll send you a nice email and you'll be entered into our drawing to have a special lunch with Ed and I.
PS. There was a big storm the day I recorded this video and the voice and video are a little off. Please bear with me as I share with you how I have Planned my Work and Work my Plan. The technology today amazes me and I'm learning everyday to be a better part of the internet world as it evolves. I would encourage you to take a step onto the internet social media arena and start posting on blogs, facebook, twitter and other social sites. It's a great way to spread the word quickly. Here is a link to MonaVie's Blog which recently highlighted our social media interactions... MonaVie Blog
Cheers to your dreams,
Shelly & Ed
9:41 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Is it Time that you want, or more time?
Comments: (1) Labels: freedom, Goals, health, Many uses of MonaVie, TimeTuesday, August 3, 2010 11:03 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Go-Getter's "Daily Dozen"!
Comments: (2) Labels: Daily Dozen, Diamond Destination, Double Crowne Black Diamond Brig Hart, Maui, Monavie Diamond Run, R3Global, Shelly Aristizabal1. Give Thanks - Have an Attitude of Gratitude!
2. Family Time - Kids like Quality & Quantity!
3. Review Goals & Dreams - MonaVie Diamond!
Financial Freedom = Personal Freedom
4. Read for 15 Minutes - Book of the Month:
Kiyosaki's - "The Business for the 21st Century"
5. Listen to CD's - Make your car a rolling
University - crave knowledge!
6. STP & Follow Ups - The Fortune is in the
Follow Up!!!
7. Exercise - we are in the WELLNESS industry!
8. Place Product ITS! Place 1 bottle a day for 200
days - foundation for Diamond!
9. Make10Phone Calls - Call in P.E.A.R. Report
10. Up Your Dosage - Get AMPED!
11. List Things to Do - Plan your work 'n work
your plan! Be prepared!
12. Positive Confession - I am a DIAMOND!
Monday, August 2, 2010 3:35 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
MonaVie Organizational Call! Guest: Shelly Aristizabal!!!
Comments: (2)MonaVie invites you to participate in the North America Organizational Call Monday, August 2, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time).
Click here to listen to the call online. Or, dial one of the numbers below on Monday, August 2, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time). You won’t have a more inspiring or productive 30 minutes all week!
MonaVie Senior Vice President Jeff Graham will be joined by special guests from corporate as well as Black Diamond leader Shelly Aristizabal and Gold Executive Dan Brooks. Shelly and Dan will each share practical tips on how you can achieve your goals and dreams through the MonaVie opportunity.
If you join us on the call, you’ll also be the first to hear about exciting promotions and giveaways from corporate as well as Director of North America Cade Napierski’s “Tip from the Hip.”
USA & Territories, Canada
1-866-352-4928 (PIN: 4928#)
1-904-596-2373 (PIN: 7878295#)
Please note that the monthly North America Organizational Call now replaces the Executive Leadership Call.
2:59 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Inviting People to a Tasting Party
Comments: (0) Labels: FORM, MonaVie Tasting, Shelly AristizabalThis video I share some tips about Tasting Parties. I talk a bit about what I did when I first started having my own Tasting Parties and how I invited friends and family. I learned the FORM technique to help talk to them and see if they had an interest in attending and learning more about MonaVie. FORM stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation, Motivation, I explain them in detail in the video. So go ahead and make some comments on your Tasting parties and what you have done to have some success. Also if you have any other questions please send us an email.
See you at our next Tasting!
Shelly and Ed Aristizabal