Tuesday, May 31, 2011 1:49 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Gold Rush Coaching - Day 13
Comments: (0) Labels: diamond run, Gold Rush, MonaVie1. Determined your dream and purpose for pursuing MonaVie and some financial freedom. Why are you doing this?
2. You have continued making a list of people you know, people you meet daily, business owners, etc.
3. You have visited http://www.monavieonthemove.com/ & http://www.r3global.com/ on a regular basis to see what's happening.
4. You have watched Randy Schroeder's The Invitation @MonaVieUniversity under Business Tools.
5. You wake up every morning being thankful and committed to having a Positive Mental Attitude.
6. You plan your work/work your plan by setting up at least 3 one to one meetings and point to the home presentations in your area each week.
7. Have become familiar with the 4 different personality types to better approach people and "speak their language."
8. Have made the commitment to stick with the Gold Rush & MonaVie.
9. Will read from a positive personal development book daily.
10. Have developed a passion for the product by being the example of the product - drink it, feel it, share it!
11. Fear is OK - I have decided to be courageous by doing what it takes to succeed- despite my fears.
12. Listen to the weekly conference calls and share the Gold Rush with my team.
13. Read. Listen. Participate.
14. You have watched The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. (see in an earlier posting on Blog)
15. You have watched Evolution of Network Marketing and Twenty Years at http://www.monavieuniversity.com/ Business Tools
Do SOMETHING everyday towards your MonaVie business. Studies have shown that if you commit one hour a day towards learning something new, that is 365 hours in a year = 10 College Courses! You are on your way to becoming an expert! Invest this hour a day in your future and success in MonaVie!!!!
Let's GO!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011 11:36 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 12 Gold Rush Coaching!
Comments: (0) Labels: Black Diamond, diamond run, Gold Rush, MonaVieDon't forget to take this opportunity to share your excitement about MonaVie - take EMV to the BBQ and hand out some yummy chocolate snack bars for dessert!!! Let them know how you are using RVL to get your bikini body for summer!!!
Please join Ed & Shelly Aristizabal, MonaVie Black Diamonds, for our Coaching Call!
When: Monday, May 30, 2011
Time: 9:30PM EST
Call 712-432-0075
Code 862848
Listen to Last week's call with Jeff Graham call 712-432-1085 Code 862848
Friday, May 27, 2011 5:38 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 11 Gold Rush Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: diamond run, Gold Rush, MonaVieMy goal for you, with this Gold Rush Coaching, is to simply shorten your learning curve! I am hoping by offering you tips on things to do and what not to do, you can learn from mine and other MonaVie leader's experiences.
Today I would like to suggest you watch a couple of videos to help you better understand this wonderful industry of network marketing. Much can be learned about the future by studying the past. Go to http://usa.monavieuniversity.com/business-tools/united-states-business-tools/ Business Tools - watch Evolution of Network Marketing and Twenty Years.
Let's GO!
Thursday, May 26, 2011 11:59 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 10 - Gold Rush Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: Gold Rush, jeff graham, MonaVie, Monavie Diamond RunToday's coaching is to remind you to listen to coaching call with Special Guest, Jeff Graham, MonaVie Senior Vice President!!! This is for everyone! Forward to your team!!! WhoooooHoooooo!!! This is Jeff with me, & Diamond Girls Monique Wright & Kimberly Payano at our home presentation in Naples, FL!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Call 712-432-1085
Code 862848
I want to thank Amy Wolfe for opening her beautiful home to all of us for the Big Event last night. Also, congratulations to everyone who attended! Cheryl Phelps flew in from Indiana and Bob Spinner flew in from Arizona! Pam Holman was there from Pennsylvania! If you were unable to attend the wonderful home meeting in Naples with Special Guest, Jeff Graham, MonaVie Senior Vice President, please listen to the quick coaching call with Jeff!
Jeff was FANTASTIC! We enjoyed his personal story of how he and Dr. Alex Schauss teamed up with Dallin, Randy and Henry to create MonaVie! He shared some incredible information regarding the "secrets" of our products like the importance of glucosamine and joint health - Active. That inflammation, not plaque leads to heart disease and the fact that we can make a medical claim with Pulse. Jeff is personally responsible for the formulation of EMV and shared how the carbohydrates in EMV gives the natural sustained energy. MonaVie has sold 32million cans! Only Coke & Pepsi have ever sold that many cans of something in the same amount of time! Amazing! Then Mmun - this is the product that he would start with, if we were just starting up! How important is nutritional density in a weight management product? Well, I think that has been proven already with the results of RVL!
The scientific research, the patents, the record breaking success, the 113 millionaires, and now the international expansion! I beleive we are in the right place at the right time with the right product, the right management team, and the right people with MonaVie!
Today, spend some time in your "new" virtual office. Review the information under Resources in the Document Library and FAQ. MonaVie's products ARE SUPERIOR - now its up to you to be the example to the world of the power of these products
Let's GO!!!
Shelly Aristizabal
MonaVie Black Diamond
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 4:18 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 9 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: Courage, Gold RushSuccess in building a network marketing business (or any business, for that matter) takes courage. Do you fear rejection? We all do! To overcome that fear, I simply say to myself, "I know I have this incredible opportunity to make a difference in people's lives, if they say no, they are not rejecting me, Shelly, they simply are not interested in MonaVie right now, maybe they will be later." Do you fear failure? I look at a perceived "failure" as an opportunity to grow and learn - knowing what I don't want helps my vision of what I DO want become crystal clear!!!
When I evaluate a situation, that appears to be risky, I use this process: I ask myself the following questions (I know is sounds like I talk to myself alot! - I do! LOL)
1. What is the Worst Thing that can happen?
2: What is the Best thing that can happen?
3. What is most likely to happen?
If I know that I will survive the Worst Case Scenario, I ACT!!! Let's apply this formula to the risky situation (because of our fears of rejection/failure/not looking good/etc.) of approaching a really sharp prospect for MonaVie:
When I ask John if he is open to learning more about an incredible nutritional product, that can also turn into an amazing business opportunity for someone who wants more than they currently have:
1. The worst that can happen is he will say NO thank you.
2. The Best is he says yes and produces 5 Black Diamonds in the next 5 years and we touch the lives of thousands of people!
3. Most likely, he will be open to try the juice and/or RVL and come to a presentation.
EVERY outcome is GOOD!!! Because even a No (which is really translated, "Not now") gives an opportunity to GROW! - I tell ya, MonaVie is a Win-Win-Win!!!
Let's GO!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 12:21 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 8 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: Diamond Destination, Gold RushRemember, 5 years ago we were introducing something crazy - 19 fruits in a bottle with a retail of $45! How did we do it? We Believed without a doubt that if someone would drink MonaVie everyday twice a day they would have positive results. Period. We shared everybody's testimony - real people getting real relief from aches and pains, etc.
Now, think about how easy it is to show people the results of the RVL. If you or your spouse, lose some weight, people will take notice, ASK YOU how you did it, express their interest in doing the same thing... It is so easy to share your story, the credibility of a $multi-billion, the proven science, etc.
I suggest we do get "back to the basics" and simply share an amazing product with people, show them we care about their health and tell them about the Preferred Customer program. It works!
Let's GO!
Saturday, May 21, 2011 7:28 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Beach Party & Jeff Graham!!
Comments: (0)6620 Daniels Rd, Naples, FL 34109
Friday, May 20, 2011 11:39 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 7 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: Books, Gold Rush, listen, participate, readI hope that you will make every effort to read from a good personal development book every day. I would like to make a few suggestion. I do recommend that you read them, even if you have read them in the past, you will be amazed how much you missed the first time!
Connect with God, Jenetzen Franklin
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
The Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwartz
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
Three Feet From Gold, Greg Reid
The Dream Giver, Bruce Wilkinson
The Business of the 21st Century, Robert Kiosaki
The Go Getter, Peter Kyne
The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren
Make this investment in your personal growth, education and your future!
Let's GO!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:22 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 6 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: Goals, Many uses of MonaVie, MonaVie, Personal DevelopmentMonday, May 16, 2011 11:49 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 5 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: diamond run, Gold Rush, MonaVieSaturday, May 14, 2011 11:58 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 2 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0) Labels: Black Diamond, diamond run, Gold Rush, MonaVieMy prayer each morning usually goes something like that when I first open my eyes, before I get out of bed. It doesn't take too long before the "reality" of life takes over; kids, laundry, household chores, running late for an appointment, dealing with people... you get the idea. Why is it so easy to get frustrated and let our minds drift towards negative thoughts and words? Some days it truly is a battle to maintain that positive mental attitude!
Do you ever think about what you are thinking about? If you are not careful, your thoughts can lead you into problems. It is important to think before you act, and if you concentrate on things that are true, worthy of reverence and honorable, just, pure, loveIy, kind and gracious, virtuous, and excellent (see Philippians 4:8), your actions will reflect your character and heart. (I have those words set up as a daily alarm on my iphone). When I focus my thoughts on what's good, I am able to enjoy the journey!
Things To Do:
1. Schedule MonaVie for next week.
- Plan your work - work your plan.
- Text me ASAP, with your name, cell phone # & best time for a 5 minute coaching call - 239-777-3807
- Monday, May 16 at 9:30pm Conference Call 712-432-0075 Code 862848
2. Make appointments with at least 3 people for one to one meeting or to take them to a home presentation
3. Listen to Randy Schroeder's The Invitation
5. Have a FABULOUS weekend!!!
Let's GO!!!
Shelly Aristizabal
MonaVie Black Diamond
Thursday, May 12, 2011 9:16 AM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Day 1 Gold Rush - Coaching
Comments: (0)Everything begins with a thought. We become what we think about. Our thoughts determine our feelings, our feelings determine our attitude, our attitude determines our actions and our actions determine our results. The absolute ONLY thing we can control is our thoughts. Begin today thinking about living a life of your dreams. I hope you answered the questions I suggested yesterday. This should create positive thoughts, feelings & actions = positive results.
Thoughts - "I will live the life of my dreams."
Feelings - "I am happy and peaceful."
Action - Today I will read the R3Global MAP Book
I will write down my Dreams, Goals & Commitment
I will write down a list of EVERYONE I know
even those I have already contacted
I will go to www.MonaVieontheMove.com to explore
the exciting things happening with MonaVie
I want you to know that you DESERVE to live the life of your dreams. Be excited that MonaVie is the vehicle you have chosen to compliment what you are already doing to fulfill your goals & dreams!
Let's GO!!!
Shelly Aristizabal
MonaVie Black Diamond
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:17 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Gold Rush - Coaching!
Comments: (0) Labels: imagine, international convention, MonaVie Gold Rush - Coaching!!! Whatever we feed grows, right? I am inviting you to join me in a 30 day Gold Rush! This will be a series of intermittently pushing ourselves, then renewing, focusing on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy to achieve our goals & pursue our dreams! Everyone who participates WILL WIN, and several will walk away with a Golden Ticket to the Imagine Convention in SLC. Anyone can participate in the Gold Rush - I encourage every distributor to do so. HOWEVER, to win the tickets you must be qualified: 1) Be committed to attend the convention.(You will receive a refund for your purchased ticket) 2) Be committed to following the Gold Rush and the weekly coaching and accountability with me. 3) Send me an email - TODAY - that you are ALL IN to WIN! 4) Take a few minutes to answer these question: (not necessary to share your answers with me - this is possibly the most important step)- 1. Who am I? 2. What do I stand for? 3. What do I really want? 4. What's my purpose in life? 5. What is it that really is most meaningful to me? 6. What do I love to do that could add value in the world? MonaVie is simply a vehicle to help you to achieve some financial freedom to allow you the personal freedom to pursue the answers to the above questions. Reaching the level of Gold Executive in MonaVie could begin to offer most everyone a taste of freedom! I am honored and excited to be a partner in helping you achieve success in MonaVie and in pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart! Let's GO!!! Shelly Aristizabal MonaVie Black Diamond sdaristi@yahoo.com 239-777-3807 |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 5:01 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
What Leadership Means...
Comments: (0) Labels: LeadershipMonday, May 9, 2011 4:15 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Beach Party & Jeff Graham!!
Comments: (0) Labels: Black Diamond, jeff graham, MonaVie, Parties6620 Daniels Rd, Naples, FL 34109
Sunday, May 8, 2011 9:20 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
Team Building - Monday, May 9
Comments: (0) Labels: Black Diamond, MonaVie, Monavie Diamond Run, team buildingMonday, May 2, 2011 3:47 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
R3Global System | The Gold Rush Program
Comments: (0)Sunday, May 1, 2011 4:46 PM Posted by Shelly Aristizabal
This Week's Call with VIP's!!!!!
Comments: (0) Labels: Black Diamond, Dallin Larson, diamond run, MonaVie, Paul Zane Pilzer- Jeff Graham, Senior Vice President
- Paul Zane Pilzer, keynote speaker at International “Imagine” Convention
- Mike and Sahi Hernandez, new Black Diamond Executives
- Gary and Harp Purewal, Hawaiian Blue Diamond Executives
- Lose for MORE Challenge winners
USA & Territories, Canada
1-866-352-4928 (PIN: 4928#)
1-904-596-2373 (PIN: 7878295#)
To check out the webcast portion of the call, click here