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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fun, Frienship & MonaVie

Making Friendships has been the true gift from MonaVie and we created this video on Viddler for you to enjoy.  Each tasting party is an opportunity not only to share the power of MonaVie's amazing fruit health benefits but the ability to make new friends and enhance our lives. 


Mary Wiggins said...

I love working with my friends and I love Mona Vie. Let's all go to Hawaii together..

Mary Wiggins said...

Hello Mona Vie team. Let's all post our meeting on the calendar and support each other.

Shelly Aristizabal said...

Hi Mary - so glad to see you have joined our Blog! Hoping to create an environment where all MonaVie distributors can share success stories, motivation, inspiration & celebration! Let's get together this week & do a little video to post on the Blog! Do you have a hot topic to share?

amberjill said...

Today I overheard my 5 year old telling her little 4 year old friend about Monavie! It was so cute! I didn't realize just how much she was listening!! :)

Shelly Aristizabal said...

I love stories like that!