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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ed RVL Day 4

Its day four of my weight loss JOURNEY. Honestly, the first 3 days were pretty tough. My body of-course is going through major shock and adjustment as I have always been a guy who could and would eat just about anything at any time. Moderation too was not in my vocabulary. Given that, and the fact that now I have a shake at 6:00 A.M., a snack bar and capsule at 9:00am, a shake at Noon, another snack bar and capsule at 3:00pm, then a sensible dinner (mainly eating a reasonable portion dinner only) I think my body has a bit of "Adjusting" to do. The one thing I would say that has pulled me through the "tough" times(yes I realize its only 4 days) was thinking about what this will mean to my wife, my family, our friends, our business etc...This is a the MAIN REASON I KNOW this is going to work. If you set your mind to it and have accountability with your family and friends whom you are trying to influence to do this, you have no choice but to get it done. Otherwise you are nothing but a hypocrite and your integrity will take a negative blow. Sure, those who truly love you will support you, give you a pat on the back and say, "that's o.k. that you did not make your goal etc...." however your real TRUE friends will flat out kick you in the A_ _, tell you to suck it up and flat out Tell you to GET IT DONE ANYWAY--NO EXCUSES!!!! They will just flat out keep you accountable, more so, if they are in this (losing weight thing) with you!!!! Having that support is critical!!!
I feel great, I feel lighter on my feet already and I have an extra bounce in my step. Its all good and the little sacrifice I have made so far has been well worth it. I have exercised 2 times in 4 days. Today, in lieu of exercise, I am going to do some yard work(a project) I have been wanting to do. I will break a good sweat, be productive and get the exercise I need.
There is nothing like showing people vs. telling people. That is what I love best about this whole weight loss thing. Its like telling people what your TRUE INTENTIONS ARE!. What are they really. You show your TRUE INTENTIONS when you actually DO what you INTENDED. Many people can talk the game etc...(or WRITE IT AS I DO AT THIS MOMENT) but when you SHOW them, that is a different story. I certainly INTEND to do that myself and so far so good. I have lost right around 6 pounds or so. I think initially, you lose the weight really fast but then later on when you have less to lose, it comes off a little slower? Anyway, its all good. Look forward to sharing with you again in a few days. Weekend is coming up, that is when I tend to COMMIT SINS. This weekend will be big for me. My INTENTIONS are to stay strong and keep on losing!!

Ed Aristizabal