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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gold Rush Coaching! Day 21

Henry Marsh, Jeff Graham Preview Upcoming Year on June Organizational Call Replay

Listen to the replay if you missed the May North America Organizational Call, or if you’d just like to listen to it again!

On the call, Founder, Chairman, and CEO Dallin A. Larsen is joined by Senior Vice President Jeff Graham and a star-studded cast that includes:

•Paul Zane Pilzer, keynote speaker at International “Imagine” ConventionOn the wellness industry:

“Wellness is emerging—not as some fad or new type of product—but into a completely new industry. This is a business with the highest need, and MonaVie is right in the middle of it!”

On home-based businesses:

“This is the age of the entrepreneur. And, the best technology and tools await the entrepreneur with a home-based business.”

On direct selling:

“Direct selling is distribution in two parts: intellectual distribution and physical distribution. MonaVie focuses on intellectual distribution, and that’s where the big money is.”

On MonaVie:

“MonaVie is in the middle of a perfect triple storm: 1) the wellness industry, the fastest growing industry 2) the age of the entrepreneur and home-based business, and 3) direct selling.”

•Mike and Sahi Hernandez, Black Diamond Executives“We’re having so much success because we follow the leaders. One of the most important things is to get your people to MonaVie events. Once we learned that little secret, our pay increased and our business has never been the same.”

•Gary and Harp Purewal, Hawaiian Blue Diamond Executives“I became a believer when I attended my first meeting. Take as many people as you can to MonaVie events so that they can get their own vision.”

•Lose for MORE Challenge winners Mark Dodson and Stephanie Cook“I got my life back, and I’m very proud of the way I look. I keep getting asked how I’ve done this, so this presents a great opportunity to share the MonaVie opportunity.” —Mark Dodson”I’ve struggled with weight loss my whole life, and I’ve never had success like I have with MonaVie RVL. This is going to help our business go to the next level.” —Stephanie Cook

Listen to the call today, and learn what you can do to advance to your next rank now!
