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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Smarten Up with MV BR

It really works!!! Try it!!!

Smarten up with the MonaVie BR™ brain health supplement: a delicious nutritional element that supports your gray matter by promoting focus and alertness without the jitters. MonaVie BR tastes so good, you'll remember to take it every day. Featuring L-theanine and natural caffeine to support cognitive performance, and B vitamins to maintain healthy brain function and assist in preventing brain atrophy, MonaVie BR makes it easy to keep your inner genius operating in peak condition.
Item No.ItemAutoShipStandardPV
10801001011 Box Brain Health (14 packets)US$29US$3525
10901001012 Boxes Brain Health (28 packets)US$56US$5950
Do the smart thing and enjoy MonaVie BR today.*
  • Supports cognitive performance*
  • Promotes focus and alertness*
  • Maintains healthy brain function*
Click here to view the MonaVie BR nutrition facts.