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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Words of Encouragement!

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Believe That You Can!

Are you struggling with your MonaVie business? Do you sometimes feel like you are being criticized, ridiculed and are failing? I want to encourage you to know that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. You are a person with a Big Dream and people are taking notice!!! I am re-reading a wonderful book by Jentezen Franklin, "Believe That You Can". I want to share a passage that I believe will encourage you to persevere:

Every vision and dream will go through the process of birth, death, and resurrection. You have not really realized a dream unless you’ve carried a burden, gotten all excited because you have given birth to a newborn vision, and then, sadly, watched what appears to be a death. The vision dies – people leave; the money goes away; the situation goes haywire; you just can’t figure out what to do about it.
Then, and only then, God will come through with a resurrection. He uses that process to sanctify that dream so that when it really does come to pass, it will not be an egotistical thing for you. Instead, you can declare, “I almost gave up on my dream. I doubted the vision, but the Lord did it anyway!” You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God did it, because it used to look so hopeless. See, it really was bigger than you were. You really could not have brought that thing back to life like that. God broke the limits off. He raised it back up. He finished what He started.
If you are in the middle of that process right now, don’t give up! Seek encouragement and a new supply of faith. Hold on; help is coming.

Dream! Believe! Achieve!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Cheryl's Notes from Chicago!

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"I Am MonaVie" Tour

Sep 16 - Chicago

Primary speakers: Jeff Graham, President North America Sales

Cade Napierski, Sr. Director North America

Henry Marsh, Co-Founder & Exec. VP

Scott Anderson, Director of Exec. Support & Recognition

It's been a few days now since driving from Indianapolis to Chicago to attend the Chicago meeting and I'm still running on all the exciting energy that was there Friday night! We started by sampling the new RVL Berry flavored shakes along with the Chocolate Vegan shake. We were able to purchase RVL products along with 2oz shots and limited apparel. It was mentioned that the only way we can purchase the new Berry shake is by attending the events and there is no date in the future for it to be sold online. So if you want to get some of the Berry shake, better find an event to attend. You won't be sorry as this was probably one of the most informational meetings I've attended in a while.

There were several give-a-ways......tickets to the Convention in St. Louis! If you wore an "I Am MonaVie" t-shirt, you could put your name into a drawing and win 2 tickets; the person with the most guests (that was 8 guests) won 2 tickets; and the person who lost the most weight on RVL (which was 105 lbs) won 2 tickets.

We were also able to buy a new EMV original flavor using the jabuticaba and all proceeds went to the MORE Project.

I felt the meeting was very classy/professional in explaining the products in detail along with how important the business is and the direction it is headed. (Very good for taking guests) The company was confirming they are here to help everyone obtain their goals, whatever that may be. No time was wasted in the 2 1/2 hour meeting.

Jeff talked about the USA Today insert. He explained that USA Today came to MonaVie asking us to participate in the campaign and USA Today chose the 5 cities to target. He felt we should all know THEY approached MonaVie which is a pretty big deal.

Jeff pointed out again that MonaVie has 17 years of patent protection on the Acai Berry!

Nine out of 19 fruits will never be bought in a store!

Acai Berry is 70% fat: -may prevent heart disease -may reduce cholesterol

Jeff spoke about the tool coming to MonaVie in January 2012, which will measure the anti-oxidant level that will allow a new person a money back guarantee if their anit-oxidant level has not risen by drinking the recommended dosage of MonaVie juices!

Jeff mentioned MVP. Not much info. Just said need to be at event in Dallas in January for the launch!

Scott Anderson, Dir. of Exec. Support & Recognition, headed up rank recognition.

Tips from some of our rank advancers:

- redirect your self-talk daily (it's going to be a good day)

- start positive daily

- start with small goals daily

- give back one at a time

Weekly, use countdown clock on VO as deadline/urgency.

Any questions/concerns to productquestions@monavie.com and suggestions@monavie.com will answer within 24 hours. They urge us to utilize them.

MonaVie is working on a site called "100 days 100 stories". It will be stories/testimonies to refer to when talking with prospects.

Obesity is #1 health risk. Everyone needs nutrient variety and nutrient density......MonaVie does both!

Henry Marsh says talk to a lot of people. Talk to the right people. (Only those who want to talk to you). Don't prejudge!

We are looking into starting projects in India (Rising Star) and a few other countries similar to Brazil's MORE project.

Henry also talked about the Process of Success:

1) Purpose creates passion,

2) Consistency developes habits

3) Urgency creates action

Conference call daily with your support group. Start your day with a conversation and report to each other at the end of the day. Accountability!

Henry ended the event watching a video which was a combination of his career as an athlete and the importance of getting up no matter how many times you fall down. WE ALL NEED TO MAKE A DECISION TO COMPLETE THE RACE!

Cheryl Phelps

"I am MonaVie!"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday Coaching Call

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Please join, MonaVie Black Diamond, Shelly Aristizabal for our coaching call! Can't wait to share details from special Black Diamond Call with Dallin Larsen!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

9:30pm EST
Call 712-432-0075

Code 862848
Listen to replay of call any time:

Call 712-432-1085 Code 862848

Friday, September 23, 2011

Veronique - Going Gold in Canada!

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My name is Veronique Maillot, and I am MONAVIE. I reside in Montreal, Qc Canada. I found Monavie by searching on the web, working with elderly I am always looking for something good for them and myself. I email Monavie Head Office requesting how I can purchase the products. I was informed that some one would be contacting me. After few try, finally someone contacted me from N.Y. I inform him that I only wanted the product for personnel use. Louis my upline told me to order 3 cases of Active (it will cost me less) and register on the auto ship which I did (I wish everyone will so easy).

I was the only one in my family drinking the juice my husband and daughter where not as enthusiasm about it as I was. I did share it with some of my residents, they just love it, feel better, and had bowel movement on a daily basis (this is big for elderly), they where walking better and longer and sleeping better, some their blood pressure medication where lower by their physician, etc…

In 2009 we have a health crisis, my husband a very healthy and fit man as been diagnostic with a multitude of metastases on his pancreas, liver and bladder!!!

The doctors need to do the entire test to see how far and big the metastases are.

On my return home I told my husband that he would drink the Monavie juice every day about 6 to 8 ounces a day and sometime more I did not care I had nothing to loose.

At work all my residents, staffs, families and friends where praying we do BELIEVE in the LORD what I had to do it to ensure proper nutrition to my husband, Monavie and all the fresh fruits nuts spinach I could find I will feed it to my husband. Once the batteries of test complete we are summonses to the doctor office he start informing us why all these test where done and he does not understand but they cannot find any metastases.

I say to the doctor it is because of all the prierers of all these wonderful seniors, employees, friends and family where doing at the moment and prior and this juice MONAVIE. He told what ever you did work now go home and celebrate. I do not have to tell you that this Doctor is on Monavie.

I was still working the Retirement homes I was managing was out of town so I brought my cases to the site and give my Monavie to all who wanted some I could believe it I know Monavie was good it just prove it to me. This what the juice did to my husband I do not know what it will do to others but he cannot be bad.

Late 2010 I was inform that my service where no longer needed after 5 years the last 4 very successful they decide to go to another direction, that is OK. I got another contract out of town. I did it for 3 months I did not wan to work out of town anymore, I wanted to do something else but did not know what. By being a certify coach I need something where I could help people to achieve greatness in their life’s FINALLY a couple of months ago I had a AHHH moment MONAVIE !! It has been there all that time.

I am now full time in Monavie the PATH that I have been praying for, for the last 4 years.

When Stacy call me regarding the GOLD RUSH and ask me if I would participate in the

GOLD RUSH in 90 days I jump to the occasion.

I will do everything they tell me to do I will be on the BEACH in Hawai as a BLACK DIAMOND with all of you.2011/2012 is OUR years.
Just for your information we have no BBS here in Montreal and no local meeting as I told Shelly and Marci I will be doing the FIRST BBS in MONTREAL and I will open the French Market.

My friend & I were the only people from Montreal at the BBS on Sept 17 8hrs drive from here with 2 of my team I am so excited.

My name is Veronique Maillot and I am a GOLD EXECUTIVE

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More Jim Rohn - Good Stuff!

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"Learn to work people who deserve it not the people who need it." -Jim Rohn.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Call with Shelly Monday

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Please join Shelly Aristizabal, MonaVie Black Diamond, for this week's Coaching Call!
Cheryl Phelps -Updates from Chicago's "I am MonaVie" Tour

Monday, September 19, 2011

9:30pm EST

Call 712-432-0075

Code 862848

Listen to replay of call any time:

Call 712-432-1085 Code 862848

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tap & Trey Going Gold in Virginia

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Tap and Trey Panning for Gold in Virginia

Trey and I like to say that we're just "Two Big Dreamers Making Baby Steps on the Sands of Time." For both of us the big "Why?" for building our MonaVie business is our legacy, moving from success to significance in a way that uplifts the material and spiritual lives of our children and our grandchildren both now and in the future. To get from here to there, though, means stepping out on faith, living in the moment, and doing the right thing at the right time, every time, no matter how insignificant it may seem. For us, we know that the fundamental shift we have to make to grow our business is simply committing to increase the number of people we contact, invite and show the plan (STP) to. The MonaVie or Maximum Action Plan (MAP) book lays out the numbers that we need to STP to succeed, reach the rank of Gold Executive and qualify for the cruise incentive. It's a proven system. So that's our pledge, our step out on faith. We'll be on that MonaVie cruise ship in January 2012. Diamond Executives Paul and Valentina Meehan are our accountability partners. They're all in and we're all in, and we truly believe that "all in" is our, as well as anyone's, ticket to "cruising for gold" and, at the same time, to building the momentum and foundation for even greater wealth--time without worry! Just feel the deck below you and the ocean breeze across your face!

Nancy "Tap" Clifton

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Big Call Monday!

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September 12

Due to the Labor Day holiday on September 5, the North America Organizational Call will occur on Monday, September 12, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time).
MonaVie President of North America Sales Jeff Graham will be joined by special guests from corporate as well as the distributor field, as they share their vision for MonaVie across North America through success stories, business-building tips, and major announcements. You won’t have a more inspiring or productive 30 minutes all week!
To join the call, dial one of the numbers below on Monday, September 12, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time).
USA & Territories, Canada
1-866-352-4928 (PIN: 4928#)
1-904-596-2373 (PIN: 7878295#)
To check out the webcast portion of the call, click here

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


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Get Started & Stay Started with the information available at http://www.monavieonthemove.com/  & http://www.monavieuniversity.com/ click here for downloads...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nicole - Going Gold in Florida

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I love MonaVie and was introduced to the 19 fruits in a bottle five years ago. My husband brought two cases of juice home and said this is something the whole family needs and we are going to start sharing it with others. Since I am a Nurse it was a perfect fit with my love for nutrition and my desire to understand how our body benefits from simple delicious fruits. We've been blessed by sharing the juice and making amazing friends and seeing awesome results. Our business reached Ruby Executives and then with family life and work we lost motivation to continue sharing and became full time drinkers. This is a breath of fresh air to get motivated again and step into the challenge of going Gold with everyones support and I love to travel so the Cruise will be an added bonus for our family. I'm always on the internet with my Nursing job so I figure this will be the perfect avenue to dive right in and share on all the social media and article marketing sites.

Going Gold & Beyond in MonaVie!

Nicole Flothe RN

Being Outrageous is essential to life!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Gold Rush Coaching Call Tonite

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Gold Rusher, Tara Cheek, from Naples, Florida will share her Gold Rush strategies including using some social media and other social networking!

Please join Shelly Aristizabal, MonaVie Black Diamonds, TONITE's Coaching Call!

Monday, Sept. 5, 2011

9:30pm EST

Call 712-432-0075

Code 862848

Listen to replay of call any time:

Call 712-432-1085 Code 862848

Tara Going Gold in Florida!

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My goal is to pay off debt and begin to instill good financial values into my children.  I would like the financial freedom necessary for my husband Chris to eventually quit his job and be able to travel and spend more time with our family.  I am committed to going Gold because I am through with making excuses and instead am just going to MAKE IT HAPPEN!  Chris and I will be on that cruise in January! 

Kimberly is my accountability partner.
I will purchase Getting Started this week and will 'see' you on the call tonight!
Thanks Shelly! :)
Tara Cheek

Friday, September 2, 2011

Cheryl - Going Gold in Indiana!

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I started drinking MV Active about 6 years ago for overall health concerns--no energy; daily headaches; etc. After a couple months of drinking MV, my headaches were gone and my energy level was back to normal. I began giving MV Active to family members and close friends who showed great results as well. My daughter started drinking it after a serious surgery and we couldn't believe how it helped her rehab by reducing the inflammation. After this happened, we decided to check into the product by attending a tasting and the rest is history! When RVL was available, I began adding those products to my diet and lost 19 pounds. Being a flight attendant, RVL has become a staple while on the road along with the EMV products. My overall health has improved so much since I became committed to MonaVie. The products continue to amaze me and I have a hard time believing there's a company out there superior to MonaVie. The leadership has always had the distributors as one of their top priorities.

When I decided to pursue MonaVie as a business, I did pretty well in the beginning but, like others, have hit a slow period of enrolling those interested in building a business.

Cheryl Phelps

"I am Going Gold!"