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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tap & Trey Going Gold in Virginia

Tap and Trey Panning for Gold in Virginia

Trey and I like to say that we're just "Two Big Dreamers Making Baby Steps on the Sands of Time." For both of us the big "Why?" for building our MonaVie business is our legacy, moving from success to significance in a way that uplifts the material and spiritual lives of our children and our grandchildren both now and in the future. To get from here to there, though, means stepping out on faith, living in the moment, and doing the right thing at the right time, every time, no matter how insignificant it may seem. For us, we know that the fundamental shift we have to make to grow our business is simply committing to increase the number of people we contact, invite and show the plan (STP) to. The MonaVie or Maximum Action Plan (MAP) book lays out the numbers that we need to STP to succeed, reach the rank of Gold Executive and qualify for the cruise incentive. It's a proven system. So that's our pledge, our step out on faith. We'll be on that MonaVie cruise ship in January 2012. Diamond Executives Paul and Valentina Meehan are our accountability partners. They're all in and we're all in, and we truly believe that "all in" is our, as well as anyone's, ticket to "cruising for gold" and, at the same time, to building the momentum and foundation for even greater wealth--time without worry! Just feel the deck below you and the ocean breeze across your face!

Nancy "Tap" Clifton