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Sunday, September 5, 2010

There are Prices & Benefits!!

Hello Gold Rush/Diamond Runners:

This week's lesson was a big one for me! I remember getting started in my MonaVie business 4 years ago! My daughter Emma was only 2 years old, the boys; Alex 4, Spencer 6 and Nicolas was 10! Ten years earlier, Ed & I had made the decision that I would stay home as we raised the children - I loved it and I must say I was proudly ranked a Black Diamond Mommy!
 Then MonaVie came into our lives! I saw the vision of MonaVie as our vehicle to Financial Freedom right away. We had to make some sacrifices and some major changes - we paid some prices – turned off the TV, cut back on kid’s activities, hired babysitters, missed some school events, etc. - but the rewards are off the charts!!! Take a few minutes and consider the price you will pay if you simply keep doing what you are doing now. Are you willing to pay the price of NOT following your Big Dream? Would reaching the level of Gold, Ruby, Diamond or Black Diamond in MonaVie create the financial freedom that will give you the personal freedom to follow your Big Dream?

Have a Great Week - I know we will - we leave for Diamond Destination, Maui, Hawaii this Friday!!! Really wish you could join us! Make a goal to be in Hawaii next year or the following year... It's your choice - what's your GOAL and what’s your price? Are you willing to do WHAT IT TAKES – NO MATTER WHAT? The benefits are HUGE!!
 Go Diamond!!!

Klemmer Lesson #6

Pay the Price
--Leaders know there are prices and benefits for everything

The prices--or what you have to invest or give up-- are not always so obvious and, in fact, are often hidden. If you don't know the price, it's usually higher than you want to pay. There is no free lunch. There are prices to be paid for doing your business successfully or in making a relationship work.
There are people I know who want to be financially independent. I always ask them, "How much are you willing to pay for your financial independence?"

When I press for a specific amount of money, they sometimes squirm a bit. The problem is they want a huge return--financial independence--without having to pay for it.

Be willing to pay the price, because often times the cost of not doing something is hidden AND far more expensive.

In addition, many times we think there is a price for achieving success that isn't there or isn't as high or hard to pay as we thought. Many times I have heard people say, "I don't want to become rich or super successful because I wouldn't be able to spend any time with my family." I haven't found that to be true at all. At the same time there will be prices to be paid. There is no free lunch.
Right now, write down two things that are very important to you that you want to create. Perhaps it is a rewarding relationship, doubling the size of your business, a certain size waistline, or making a huge, positive difference in your community.
Ask yourself: How much time will this take? How uncomfortable will I need to allow myself to be? How much money will it take?
Now, tell the truth about what you are willing to pay to get that. There will be prices you are unwilling to pay. That's fine, but state clearly what you ARE willing to pay and begin to build up your willingness to pay the price. This will put you in elite company and is a giant step to achieving your result.

Leaders change the situation, so even after they leave, things are different than when they arrived.
Action Step#1
List 10 prices you THINK you will have to pay to reach your goal for this year. Are there any you are unwilling to pay? Interview someone who has made that level of success you are aiming for and ask that person what prices he or she paid?
Did you have any false assumptions? Now, list 10 prices you are paying for being at the level of your business you are currently at, instead of the higher level of your goal. Identify at least one price you are unwilling to continue paying.
The willingness to pay the price is what separates the excellent from the average.

"The most important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice who you are for what you could become"

--Charles Dubois