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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Holidays!

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ed After Thanksgiving! RVL

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Well, the 1st 1/3rd of the Holidays are behind us and despite enjoying them thoroughly(foodwise), I managed to maintain my weight. Sure, I ate more then I should have during Thanks Giving, however, as I said on my blog previously, I still kept it reasonable. The turkey dinner was my ONLY meal of the day but I only had one shake as I could never muster up much of an appetite after dinner. We finished eating around 4:00 and I never ate again that day. Then, that weekend, I worked with my boys fixing up a rental we have in Orlando. So...I ate heavy but I stayed really busy. The Holiday was thus a net wash for me.
Now that I have been on RVL for 8 weeks, the appetite issues are a breeze. I really do not have an issue not eating etc...The shakes are sufficiently satisfying. Again, I am down 17 lbs but look to be down around 20lbs lost by this weekend. I am confident I WILL get there. Then, I will be just another 5 lbs to my goal.
I have been keeping in touch with many other RVL drinkers. Its funny, the ones that have not had much success are the ones with the "slip-ups". The ones with the most success just simply stick to the plan and do not deviate etc...Also, they tend to communicate much more. The ones that do not communicate at all or very little with me, are the ones that are having trouble staying on the plan. Its all about accountability. If they communicate, they know they are going to have to discuss either good or bad. Of-course it is easier to discuss good so communication is not a problem. If its bad, of-course, its hard to speak the truth or hear the truth from someone so they would just rather not hear it. Look, if you ARE SERIOUS, you NEED to hear it from your accountability partner. Your accountability partner has to be able to tell you how it is and you just need to sit and hear it. If it bothers you and you do not want to "hear it" then you REALLY are NOT that serious and you REALLY do not want to succeed. Noone really cares what your INTENTIONS are. What people care about are the RESULTS. Your TRUE intentions are measured by your RESULTS. So.....get some RESULTS out there and people will not be able to dispute the validity of RVL and its potential for themselves and of-course, the many others they know.

Until next time...
P.S. by far the best tasting recipe for me has been
1/2 cup, Almond, Vanilla Milk

1/2 cup water

1 banana
 MonaVie Active (2ounces)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jay Caudill's RVL BLOG!

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Ok. I’ll say it. I’m fat. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have struggled with my weight since I hit my late 20’s. My weight issues have been difficult for me because when I was younger, I was pretty athletic. I played soccer, football, hockey, basketball, golf, ran cross country, wrestled, and trained in the martial arts. I am ashamed to say it, but I shy away from sports now because I know I can’t perform at a level which would satisfy me. I have a sedentary profession, work long hours, and basically put my physical fitness at the bottom of my priority list. That is not to say that I have always been fat in the last several years. I have ridden a weight roller coaster. I hit the tread mill, tried boxing, and lifting weights. I enjoyed that, but I could never get settled on a diet and I would fall off the wagon. I have tried every fad diet. Those have worked temporarily, but I have never felt satisfied because I never found a diet lifestyle that I was comfortable with. It was too difficult to count calories, remember what food I could eat in unlimited quantities or to stomach the taste of diet food. I didn’t have enough patience and never found anything that I felt I could stick to.
RVL HAS ME EXCITED! For the first time in my life, I actually don’t mind dieting. The meal replacement shake tastes great (it does not taste like diet food) and the pill curbs my hunger. Most importantly, I know I am losing weight safely and with the BEST PRODUCTS THAT ARE ON THE MARKET! PERIOD!!!!! In three weeks, I have lost 17.5 pounds. Now, this is during the holiday season mind you. This is the time when EVERYONE is gaining weight. Not me! I am down a pant size (probably 2). At my fattest I was struggling to fit into my pants, now a pants size smaller is getting lose! All I am doing is following the weight management program: shake, snack and pill, shake, snack and pill, sensible dinner. I have exercised some, but honestly, I have not met the daily 30 minutes suggested by the program. I am excited to see where I will be by the next convention. Why don’t you show up to find out?
I challenge those who haven’t tried it to give RVL a shot for a month and make a COMMITMENT to abide by the program. I think that you will be shocked and pleased at the results. I KNOW THAT I AM! For those on the product, keep up the diet and exercise. Your family deserves the best, healthiest you that you can be. Come to convention and share your success story with me!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A New RVL Blog!

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I like the new RVL weight management program for myself not to loose weight (although I would like to loose 10 lbs) but for the nutritional benefits. I love to cook and when I eat I eat well and good food. The problem is, I can eat a cup of yogurt in the morning drink my Monavie eat a few almonds during the day and not eat again until evening. With that being said, I don't get the nutrition I need for optimal health.

I lost five (5) lbs in a week and wouldn't dare get on scales today. I didn't over eat during the holidays but I did eat much more than usual.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Photo next Blog!

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Well its the end of week #5. I am now down a solid 15 pounds as of 10:54 P.M. However, by tomorrow a.m., its likely I will be down 17 pounds. When I exercise, I usually lose up to 2 pounds just sleeping. I know, sounds weird---but true. Today I had a shake for breakfast, a decent sized lunch and a shake for dinner. I highly recommend this for someone who has a busy night schedule and you know that you may not have a chance to get a decent dinner or you will end up eating late. Just have your big meal at lunch. The nice thing about this is that you can actually REALLY eat whatever (within kinda the sensible range) because you have the whole rest of the day to burn it off. If you kind of go "overboard" at dinner, you have much less time to burn off the calories. Once again, the reason MonaVie recommends that you eat a sensible dinner, I believe, is simply because of the fact that families like to get together at dinner. Its usually the only time that they do. Following the diet in this manner is just more DUPLICATABLE, and more likely that someone CAN follow it.
Another reason I do find it easier to eat a big lunch is because by the time dinner rolls around, you really are not that hungry. So having a shake for dinner is no big deal. You can sip on it a while and it easily lasts you till bed time. Now staying up really late is a killer. You will likely have to fight off wanting to eat "SOMETHING". So, try not to do it.
As far as exercise goes, I have recently started riding my bike. I pick a path that takes me 30 minutes to complete and then I have fun with it by timing myself. Each time, I just push myself to ride just a bit further in the same amount of time. This just forces me to get a little better work out. The more you push yourself, the better. I am naturally competitive like that so for me, its motivating. This may not be fun for everyone.
I can say that the diet is now a piece of cake. I have no problem sticking to it and I feel great, both physically and emotionally. I say emotionally because it does feel good to have my 30something year old body back. You should have seen the other BETA TESTERS at the Orlando Regional, some were not even recognizable. They looked like little kids after having lost SOOO much weight. It was really amazing. Brian Thayer has lost 20 or more pounds. His wife Jackie has lost 15+. They look great. His brother Kevin, has lost almost 50 pounds. Grayson Maule, has lost a ton of weight too and he looks great.
Once again, I believe MonaVie is a GREAT product. But once again, I reiterate that the product alone is not what is the sole reason for so many to be having success. It is the combination of product, accountability, financial incentive, family and friend support, better health for yourself and what it will mean to inspire and motivate others who see you succeed. Just think about how many people you can help and inspire just by putting your mind to reaching your weight loss goal!!!
I can be reached at 239-777-3746. For anyone following these blogs, feel free to call me any time. I am happy to give you feedback, to help you through a rough spot and or just be there for you any time. This weight loss deal can be tough but the rewards certainly outweigh the sacrifice.
Ed Aristizabal

Sunday, November 14, 2010


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Start everyday with a Positive Mental Attitude! You have to BE a MonaVie Diamond in Attitude, to DO the Activites to achieve the level of Diamond, then to HAVE the success of a Diamond!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ed's RVL - End of week 2!!!

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Well, its the end of week #2. The results are in: 10lbs lost. I am happy with this. Well, kind-of. Went to my closet to find a pear of jeans to wear and even my "Skinny" jeans were baggy as can be. I think I will have to invest in clothes, or belts?
A couple of mile stones for me this week:
1) again this is a world record weight for me(well world record in the past 10 years)
2) This is a BIGGY: I went to the movies with my daughter Emma today. Here is the biggy and Shelly knows this is HUGE. READY??? I DID NOT, repeat DID NOT, have any BUTTERED POPCORN, nor popcorn of any kind. Now I'm the kind of guy that likes Movie Popcorn filled up Half way, then buttered. Then filled, and buttered again. I would be dead if it weren't for PULSE. Now believe me, I was talking to myself throughout the whole movie to keep myself from going to buy popcorn. Somehow, I prevailed and did not do it. I am dying for some now as I write this. Its killing me.
I filled out my survey today. As a Beta tester or whatever you call this test, we have agreed to fill out a weekly survey. It asks what could be better about the product, ideas etc...but one section asks about all these feelings that one can potential be feeling/experiencing. There were pages and pages of adjectives to describe one's feelings while this is all going on. I guess because "they" know that anyone trying to lose weight is going through a lot. We are all talking to ourselves to stay strong, stick with it etc... etc...It was a rather lengthy and thorough survey if you ask me. It did ask what I thought could be done to make it any better. The only suggestion I made was, Combine the snack bar with the pill. It just eliminates one other thing to think about and after all, it is a pill. But maybe for weight management, its likely that people will not NEED to take the pill so that is why they keep it separate?
I had some major issues keeping up with the plan this weekend. I went camping with one of my boys, Alex, and about 2,200 others at a big scouting event. Anyway, my "Sensible dinner, night one was: a hot dog. And boy was it a good hot dog. It was on white, wonder bread bun, you know, the kind you never buy because they are so awful for you. The dog was grilled and slightly charred, plump, juicy, loaded with ketchup, but more mustard (not fattening) and just fricken incredible. I would have to say, due to the circumstances and environment, it had to be a top 10 dog in my life. And once again, only Shelly can really appreciate that statement because I am a hot dog connoisseur(thank God for Spell Check!!). I have had every kind of dog imaginable and on top of that, I have put every type of topping you could ever think of on one. And I will buy a dog for sale ANYWHERE--Roadside, stable, mechanic shop, little league game, concession stand of any kind, you name it, I'll buy one if they are for sale---PERIOD. Despite the simplicity of the one I had that night, it was a top 10 dog!!!
Anyway, on night #2, my son Alex, who is such a picky eater, just raved about the spaghetti and had seconds. The kid never likes anything. On this day, his name could have easily been MIKEY. He liked it, so I HAD to try it. I was able to just eat a small portion and just doubled up on the salad.
So.....overall, I was not able to really eat sensibly but I did keep my portions small. I actually lost weight this past weekend despite the camp out. I just think the fact that I was focused on the diet and thus kept my portions small, allowed me to continue my weight losing trend. Trust me, I thought I blew it and I was trying to figure out what I would be saying in my Blog due to gaining weight. However, to my surprise, I lost another 2 pounds. It could have been that I had to tote ALL the camping gear a total of a couple miles counting when we got there and when we left. If you know my son, "Big AL", he's not that big nor that much help, so, I carried ALOT-o-stuff. On the other hand, it was my only exercise on Friday and Sunday???
Bottom line is, I am feeling great. However, I could not have done this if it weren't once again, for the financial incentive and the accountability I have with those going through this with me and those who are counting on me to make it happen. Furthermore, I have been getting several supporting comments from those following these blogs. I thank all of you for your support. I just hope that YOU TOO will support others that you get on the Reveal Product, when it comes out. Be selective, be supportive and be patient. Going through a diet like this for many is, I can now say, pretty dramatic when you consider the changes one has to make in eating habits etc...and if they are even, half the eater I am (or used to be), I can understand people potentially going through some emotional turmoil especially in the beginning weeks. So.....remember, be there for them. This business continues(more then ever now) to be a business where you put the NEEDS of others FIRST, BEFORE your own and you will be rewarded in many ways.
Well that's all for now. I suspect, the way things are going, by next Monday night, I hope to be at a total weight loss of between 13 and 15 pounds. That will leave me only 10 more pounds to go. Pretty amazing that it CAN happen so fast. TROY in GA thus far has lost 15 pounds and he started 2-3 days AFTER I did. Kimberly in Ft. Myers is at about the same pace I'm at. There is a guy in Flowery Branch, near Troy, who, according to Troy, has lost 22 lbs in his first two weeks. From what I hear, EVERYONE is having amazing results.
ITS GONNA BE BIG!!! How big-------REALLY BIG!!! Everyone however will be really small!!!!!

Ed Aristizabal
MonaVie Black Diamond

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ed's RVL - Day 11

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Well today was a messed up day as far as meals were concerned. I did not do my shake in the AM thinking I would be home by 10 AM. Instead, after a 9:00 appt. (that went till 10), Shelly reminded me about an event at my Son Alex's school. I headed there and spent some time with him. THEN, at 11:30 or so, I hit the gym. STILL, I had not eaten a thing other then one of the snack bars(1/2) and the weight loss pill. I did my normal 30 minute cardio workout, 15 minute jog and 15 minute bike. I get more out of a jog at the gym on a treadmill then I do jogging down my street. The reason is: I run harder and faster on the treadmill and the treadmill is of-course much more cushiony then the hard pavement. Secondly, I keep myself occupied watching ESPN, the news and whatever else is on the various screens. Despite not eating all morning, I had plenty of energy to finish my work out and felt fine afterwards. Of-course, right when I got home, I ate. Knowing that my afternoon would be spent out and about, (Son had a football game in a town about 40 miles north of us), I decided to have a meal for lunch vs. a Shake. I had a bit of steak, two eggs and some toast. At 2:45, I was on the road again and I did not return till 9:30p.m. While out, I did have a snack bar and pill again. I did not really have much of an urge to eat that whole time despite taking the gang to Subway at about 5:00p.m.

As I said in my last blog, it is getting much easier to stay away from cheating etc...My body is getting used to the routine and the ever persistent financial incentive remains intact. This has not been hard lately. I am so glad I started this as I feel great and today, I tipped the scales at a weight I had not achieved ever in the past 10 years, 198 lbs. Remember, I started at 210.8 I believe, however, that was with clothes; the 198 is without. The clothes I wore that day of my weigh in add 3.4 lbs to my weight. The 198 lb. level I achieved was just after my work out and before my meal. I can fluctuate 2-3 lbs. in a day, no problem.

Well that is all for today, going to bed and feeling great. Sure I could eat something but I have more then enough will power to go to be without and let my body burn some calories while I sleep.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Intentions & Results!

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Just a quick tip on the importance of getting clear on your intentions to achieve the results you desire!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Solid Root Structure - Part 3 of 3

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This is Part 3 of 3 of Brian Klemmer's Eating the Elephant Leadership Lesson 7. (See Part 1 & 2 Below) This lesson is very timely for MonaVie Diamond Runners!!! MonaVie is about to launch into the $50Billion a year Weight Management Industry! If you have a solid root structure in place for your MonaVie business- ie. you have identified the key people in your organization, established solid relationships, are reading the books on personal development & listening to the positive motivation, are attending the functions to build your belief system, etc. Then you will be ready for 2011!! Make the Decision today to prepare yourself for success! Shelly

Action Step #1
If your income suddenly became 10 times what it is now, what would you need to know to handle that increase? (RVL)!!!!

What would you need to know to profitably invest that much money? What resources would you need to protect that much money? Now, develop a study program to learn those things.
An Example

As I was building my own financial portfolio, I sold a piece of property and made a $143,000 profit. At the time, this was a lot of money to me. My financial advisor (a friend who remains a friend, but no longer an advisor) told me I would either pay the tax now or pay it later, so I might as well pay it now.

Because I had not developed a financial root structure, I promptly turned approximately $65,000 over to the government. I learned my lessons "after" I should have and it was an "expensive" lesson.

If I had been doing my studying, I would have known the right questions to ask and would have sought alternatives that would have reduced that tax amount to about $5,000!

The time for you to learn about taxes and investing is "before" you make the money, not after.

Some people say, "I don't want to know about that financial stuff; I just want to do my business." Then they will always be victim to the people who know the game of money.

You do not have to be "the expert" in area, but you do have to have the fundamental knowledge and continually upgrade what you know.
Action Step #2
Ask yourself: who do I want to be around and associating with in five years and who do I know who knows them that I can network with?

Take a step this week to get to know someone who knows who you want to know. Spend time building your network of people that will get you to the people you want to be around in five years. Work on your willingness to have them in your network even sooner.
Build a Rolodex of successful people. Never let a month go by where you have not added at least one super achiever to your file of friends and associates.
List your top three business partnerships. This is your root structure. List one thing you are doing to develop your relationship with each one of your partners.

Now list three new people who you have not spent much time with who will be future partners. What can you do to increase the value of your relationship? You must grow the roots wide and deep to grow a 90' bamboo tree.
"Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."

--R. Buckminster Fuller

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ed's RVL - Day 7

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Well, its day 7 today. As of this day, I have lost 6 pounds still. What Happened? I'll tell ya.
If you are following this blog, I mentioned last Friday that the weekend was coming. I predicted that I might have a hard time keeping to my plan(should not have put such negative thoughts in my head--BAD) as the weekends are full of activities around our house. True to form we had 2 EXTRA kids sleep over on Friday Night, only 3 extra on Saturday night(on top of my existing 4--in case you don't know). Then on Sunday, we entertained another couple with their 4 kids, plus our 4 and 3 that stayed the night plus 3 kids from the neighborhood. I cooked up 8 brats, 12 hamburgers and 10 or so hot dogs. Now who could possibly cook that much food and not partake. Come on, I am human and not a ROBOT. So my dirty deeds this weekend consisted of--too much pizza on Saturday night. On Saturday morning, I ate, a bagel(chocolate chip, I might add) with 3 different flavors of cream cheese. On Saturday for lunch,I did eat a brat and some potato salad and I had two coronas and 1 pumpkin cookie. . For Dinner on Sunday, I ate 4-6 ounzes of a Ribeye Steak (that had been marinating for 3 days--who wouldn't) and lots of asparagus(drenched in butter of-course).
Now, keeping in mind I know how I am. On Sunday, before the cook out, I did go for a Sunday jog and ran farther then I think I ever have in my life. I ran just over 4 miles. (for me that's a mega, double marathon). Now during that run, was I talking to myself alot? Was I kicking myself in the butt, was I yelling at myself, was I psyching myself out, was I a crazy man, the answer is YES, YES, YES and YES 10 more times. I am determined more then ever to get this done. Honestly, the support I have of my family, the accountability I have to my friends also doing this with me (Troy Hicks in Flowery Branch Georgia--has lost 10 lbs already (first week) and Kimberly Payano in Ft. Myers (also lost about 10 lbs in her first week). On top of that, I know what this will mean for my health and what this will mean for our business. I WILL get this done and I am HAPPY as can be that I am doing it.
I ran again this a.m., I ran(jogged) for 25 minutes but then I do a sprint jog, combination for the last .75 miles down our street. I will run as hard as I can for 30 seconds, then walk for 45 seconds, and alternate all the way down our street. It takes me about 6 minutes. My understanding is that this alternation in heart beat is what gets you in shape. Just running the same speed for miles and miles does not tend to do as much for you as running in intervals.
Well that is it for now. I plan on losing as least another 5 lbs. this week. I WILL DO IT!!!
Ed Aristizabal

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ed RVL Day 4

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Its day four of my weight loss JOURNEY. Honestly, the first 3 days were pretty tough. My body of-course is going through major shock and adjustment as I have always been a guy who could and would eat just about anything at any time. Moderation too was not in my vocabulary. Given that, and the fact that now I have a shake at 6:00 A.M., a snack bar and capsule at 9:00am, a shake at Noon, another snack bar and capsule at 3:00pm, then a sensible dinner (mainly eating a reasonable portion dinner only) I think my body has a bit of "Adjusting" to do. The one thing I would say that has pulled me through the "tough" times(yes I realize its only 4 days) was thinking about what this will mean to my wife, my family, our friends, our business etc...This is a the MAIN REASON I KNOW this is going to work. If you set your mind to it and have accountability with your family and friends whom you are trying to influence to do this, you have no choice but to get it done. Otherwise you are nothing but a hypocrite and your integrity will take a negative blow. Sure, those who truly love you will support you, give you a pat on the back and say, "that's o.k. that you did not make your goal etc...." however your real TRUE friends will flat out kick you in the A_ _, tell you to suck it up and flat out Tell you to GET IT DONE ANYWAY--NO EXCUSES!!!! They will just flat out keep you accountable, more so, if they are in this (losing weight thing) with you!!!! Having that support is critical!!!
I feel great, I feel lighter on my feet already and I have an extra bounce in my step. Its all good and the little sacrifice I have made so far has been well worth it. I have exercised 2 times in 4 days. Today, in lieu of exercise, I am going to do some yard work(a project) I have been wanting to do. I will break a good sweat, be productive and get the exercise I need.
There is nothing like showing people vs. telling people. That is what I love best about this whole weight loss thing. Its like telling people what your TRUE INTENTIONS ARE!. What are they really. You show your TRUE INTENTIONS when you actually DO what you INTENDED. Many people can talk the game etc...(or WRITE IT AS I DO AT THIS MOMENT) but when you SHOW them, that is a different story. I certainly INTEND to do that myself and so far so good. I have lost right around 6 pounds or so. I think initially, you lose the weight really fast but then later on when you have less to lose, it comes off a little slower? Anyway, its all good. Look forward to sharing with you again in a few days. Weekend is coming up, that is when I tend to COMMIT SINS. This weekend will be big for me. My INTENTIONS are to stay strong and keep on losing!!

Ed Aristizabal

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ed RVLed Day 2

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I started on MonaVie's Reveal, weight loss/ weight management product. My official first day was 10/12/10. My intention is to get down to 185lbs. and I begin this journey weighing in at 210lbs.

I have been trying to get to 190lbs for about the last 10 years of my life. Every time I start making headway, (i have gotten down to 199lbs, two times in the last 10 years) I start justifying in my own mind that the weight is not all that bad. Before you know it, I stop watching what I eat and I end up back around 210lbs. Afterall, I have always exercised pretty regularly, on average 1-2 times per week. However, I have an active life style with 4 very active kids. So....technically, all the running around I do, to me, counts as one time exercising and I make it to they gym on average 1 time per week. I have always eaten pretty much what I wanted when I wanted, however, because of my being active, I really never got too much heavier then 210lbs. Being in the nutrition industry, MonaVie, I do try watching what I eat which just means that I do not eat a ton of fast food. However, to me, chicken wings loaded with hot sauce and blue cheese dressing(one of my favorite things to eat), does not count as fast food.
Yesterday, mid day, after lunch around 3:00, I would say that I was in the mood to chomp on something. And actually, at this moment, 3:44 p.m., day 2, I feel like eating "SOMETHING" again. However, I believe what keeps me from doing so, quite frankly, is the fact that I am determined to make this work, this is good for my health and potentially could benefit me, my family, my friends and many other people financially. I feel I have a fiduciary responsability to many to see that this works. I do not think any diet plan will completely ever eliminate ALL appetites all the time. But to me, this plan will work because I know I have the support of many people and of-course I have many eyes watching me. The most critical eyes to me being my kids. They know the goal I have set. I WILL NOT LET THEM DOWN!! And of-course, I know my wife too, would love to see me lose the weight. She never had made a comment about it but I am sure she would appreciate it for many reasons.

I have talked to Kimberly Payano recently, she is a Diamond in our MonaVie business and she too just started the program yesterday. By comparing notes, its obvious that both our bodies are adjusting to our new diets. Both of us are doing fine and we plan on supporting each other as we know the potential implications of our success. We both agree, the meal replacement shakes taste great, the snack bars are amazing and the pills do not give us any jitters of any kind. Nutrition-wise, we both agree, it would be impossible to devise a normal meal that would give us the type of nutrition we are getting now as quickly, efficiently, hassle free, kitchen mess free and economically as these Reveal Shakes. Already, I am down 2 pounds (I did exercise yesterday--jogged about 2 miles and did a few push ups and sit ups). I suspect I will lose 2-5 pounds per week.
Once again, I am determined--this will be a success. I look forward to giving you additional updates. Hope you will follow along in my journey.

Ed Aristizabal

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Growing Your Root Structure 2 of 3

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Leadership Lesson #7

Growing Your Root Structure

--Leaders are more interested in developing the root structure than the immediate visible results

There is a Chinese bamboo tree I have heard about, that when planted, you will see no growth for 90 days, then in a few short months grows 90 feet!
What it was doing prior to the explosive growth was putting down a root structure that would support its future growth.
In building the huge Sears tower in Chicago, they first went 100 feet down before they ever started building up.

Many times we invest effort in a business or relationship and we get impatient that there is no visible growth. The results we are working for just don't seem to be there. But often what's really happening is that we are changing in those hidden ways necessary to support our future results.
Growth is usually never a straight-line increase. In my experience, it's a series of intermittent increases or "growth spurts" and then plateaus.
Think of learning a sport. Most of your development occurs in leaps of getting better followed by lingering plateaus of staying at that same level (and those plateaus always seem to take too long). Near the end of your growth, it takes an incredible amount of effort and time to get those last, final, small increases in performance. It's those last small increases that separate the champions from the also-rans.
Take five minutes right now and list the ways you are
investing in creating a foundation or root structure for your
life and work.
Are you spending time developing your second layer of leadership? This is your greatest leverage. There is always a decrease in your personal production as you spend time developing other people. There needs to be a balance of both being done all the time.
Are you spending time in spiritual or inspirational studies that will give you a stronger, deeper foundation?
This week, outline a plan that will increase your root structure this year in a significant way.

Building a Root Structure is often invisible, but is even more important than visible growth.
Invest money and time in root structures to support your desired future growth and gains.

And be patient!


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MonaVie Black Diamond, Ed Aristizabal getting ready to start his REVEALING transformation!!!! This is his "weigh-in"! He is going to follow the plan - 2 MonaVie shakes a day, 2 MonaVie bars a day & 2 capsules a day, at least 30 minutes of cardio every day & a sensible dinner - MISSION - lose 20 lbs in 10 weeks!!! October 11, 2010 he weights 210.6 lbs.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Growing Your Root Structure

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Hello Diamond Runners!

I hope you enjoy the Brian Klemmer Leadership Lessons as much as I do! This week’s lesson I am going to send out over a couple of days – it is very important and “studies have found” that anything more than a couple of paragraphs online, is not fully comprehended!

I like this week's lesson - developing the root structure in your MonaVie business is very important. We are in the "people" business. It takes people like you & me to share the juice & share the opportunity with other people. So it makes sense that the better you get at relating to people the more successful you will be in this business. How does that happen? It definitely takes time, but the good news is you have already been creating a foundation through your life's experiences. You can start today by choosing your own path of personal development.

We begin our MonaVie business by making a list of everyone we know! We then start contacting the people on our list. As rookies, we are simply excited about our personal testimony that the product has provided, excited about the idea that we have found a vehicle to create some financial freedom, that will help us achieve some of those dreams we had placed on the shelf. Then it happens... the people we care about the most reject our enthusiasm. We now have the choice - be hurt & personally rejected and quit, or learn from that experience and move on. The choices we make will come from the foundation we have built with our tool chest - the books we've read, the teachings we listen to, the people we hang around and the events we participate in.

The Diamond Run is a three to five year business plan, can you do it faster? YES - start today with determining your BIG DREAM then begin the process of building a solid foundation.

Living the DREAM!


Monday, October 4, 2010

MonaVie Call!!!

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MonaVie Media Center: "Join Us for the Next Organizational Call—Monday, October 4, 7 p.m. (Mountain Time)!
MonaVie invites you to participate in the North America Organizational Call Monday, October 4, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time).
Senior Vice President Jeff Graham will be on the call to discuss the momentum that is building behind the launch of our upcoming line of weight management products. You don’t want to miss what he’s going to share!
Click here to listen to the call online.
Or, dial one of the numbers below on Monday, October 4, at 7 p.m MT 9p.m. EST
USA & Territories, Canada
1-866-352-4928 (PIN: 4928#)
1-904-596-2373 (PIN: 7878295#)"

Monday, September 27, 2010

Quick Tip - Success!

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Success can be defined as "The Progressive Realization of a Worthwhile Goal or Dream!" Ask 100 people you will get a 100 different answers of what they think success is! Yet there is only one definition of failure = quitting before you achieve your goal or dream!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


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Aloha! Just a few photos taken with my iphone while we were in Maui, Hawaii for the MonaVie Diamond Destination! Please set your goal for Diamond August 2011 and join us next year! Dream and imagine yourself a MonaVie Diamond laying on the beach watching the sunset with your MonaVie friends...How will your life look making the extra $200,000 a year? Believe in yourself, your leadership, MonaVie & this industry! Now, do the activites - ITS & STP to Achieve your goals & dreams! You can do it! Mahalo!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Call From Maui Hawaii

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Fired up from MonaVie Diamond Destination, Maui, Hawaii!!! Tips from Diamonds Paul, Valentina, Kimberbly, Gustavo & special guests Calvin Becerra, Black Diamond & Steve Merritt, Crown Black!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Invitation

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How to Invite someone to a tasting is a skill important to building your MonaVie business! I share a few tips on how to invite!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

This Week's Conference Call!

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North America Organizational Call—Monday, September 6, 7 p.m. (Mountain Time) 9:00pm EST

MonaVie invites you to participate in the North America Organizational Call Monday, September 6, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time).

MonaVie Senior Vice President Jeff Graham will be joined by International Distributor Ambassador Randy Schroeder who will discuss innovative ways to enjoy prosperity through the MonaVie opportunity. You’ll also be the first to hear about exciting promotions and giveaways from corporate as well as Senior Director of North America Cade Napierski’s “Tip from the Hip.”
Click here to listen to the call online. http://monaviemediacenter.com/live-and-replay-calls
Or, dial one of the numbers below on Monday, September 6, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time). You won’t have a more inspiring or productive 30 minutes all week!
USA & Territories, Canada




1-866-352-4928 (PIN: 4928#)

1-904-596-2373 (PIN: 7878295#)

There are Prices & Benefits!!

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Hello Gold Rush/Diamond Runners:

This week's lesson was a big one for me! I remember getting started in my MonaVie business 4 years ago! My daughter Emma was only 2 years old, the boys; Alex 4, Spencer 6 and Nicolas was 10! Ten years earlier, Ed & I had made the decision that I would stay home as we raised the children - I loved it and I must say I was proudly ranked a Black Diamond Mommy!
 Then MonaVie came into our lives! I saw the vision of MonaVie as our vehicle to Financial Freedom right away. We had to make some sacrifices and some major changes - we paid some prices – turned off the TV, cut back on kid’s activities, hired babysitters, missed some school events, etc. - but the rewards are off the charts!!! Take a few minutes and consider the price you will pay if you simply keep doing what you are doing now. Are you willing to pay the price of NOT following your Big Dream? Would reaching the level of Gold, Ruby, Diamond or Black Diamond in MonaVie create the financial freedom that will give you the personal freedom to follow your Big Dream?

Have a Great Week - I know we will - we leave for Diamond Destination, Maui, Hawaii this Friday!!! Really wish you could join us! Make a goal to be in Hawaii next year or the following year... It's your choice - what's your GOAL and what’s your price? Are you willing to do WHAT IT TAKES – NO MATTER WHAT? The benefits are HUGE!!
 Go Diamond!!!

Klemmer Lesson #6

Pay the Price
--Leaders know there are prices and benefits for everything

The prices--or what you have to invest or give up-- are not always so obvious and, in fact, are often hidden. If you don't know the price, it's usually higher than you want to pay. There is no free lunch. There are prices to be paid for doing your business successfully or in making a relationship work.
There are people I know who want to be financially independent. I always ask them, "How much are you willing to pay for your financial independence?"

When I press for a specific amount of money, they sometimes squirm a bit. The problem is they want a huge return--financial independence--without having to pay for it.

Be willing to pay the price, because often times the cost of not doing something is hidden AND far more expensive.

In addition, many times we think there is a price for achieving success that isn't there or isn't as high or hard to pay as we thought. Many times I have heard people say, "I don't want to become rich or super successful because I wouldn't be able to spend any time with my family." I haven't found that to be true at all. At the same time there will be prices to be paid. There is no free lunch.
Right now, write down two things that are very important to you that you want to create. Perhaps it is a rewarding relationship, doubling the size of your business, a certain size waistline, or making a huge, positive difference in your community.
Ask yourself: How much time will this take? How uncomfortable will I need to allow myself to be? How much money will it take?
Now, tell the truth about what you are willing to pay to get that. There will be prices you are unwilling to pay. That's fine, but state clearly what you ARE willing to pay and begin to build up your willingness to pay the price. This will put you in elite company and is a giant step to achieving your result.

Leaders change the situation, so even after they leave, things are different than when they arrived.
Action Step#1
List 10 prices you THINK you will have to pay to reach your goal for this year. Are there any you are unwilling to pay? Interview someone who has made that level of success you are aiming for and ask that person what prices he or she paid?
Did you have any false assumptions? Now, list 10 prices you are paying for being at the level of your business you are currently at, instead of the higher level of your goal. Identify at least one price you are unwilling to continue paying.
The willingness to pay the price is what separates the excellent from the average.

"The most important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice who you are for what you could become"

--Charles Dubois

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tips on Making Friends!

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Thought I would share a few tips I gave my daughter, Emma, on her first day of school. I am so thankful I have been exposed to great books that help me be a better Mom, Wife, Friend, Leader, etc. The best book on personal development is Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends & Influence People!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Please, Read the Book!!!

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The principles shared in the story of The Richest Man in Babylon will lead you to greatness! This is my review - What are your thoughts?

The story begins with Akrad having a DREAM to live an abundant life. He set his goal on the principle of A part of what I earn is mine to keep. With a Definiteness of Purpose he focused on doing the activity of saving 10% of what he earned for himself to invest. He was focused and did not waiver. NO MATTER WHAT!
What is your financial plan? Do you have one? Is it succeeding?
Akrad wanted and desired success, he studied how to make riches, he was determined to have wealth.
 How determined are you to succeed? How determined are you to succeed financially? How much time & study do you devote to this task?
Akrad learned from mistakes and began to seek counsel of wise men on how to invest his money. Do you seek advice from people with experience? Does the principle “a part of all that I earn is mine to keep” relate to your life & way of doing business? Do you consider carefully where you can invest your profits? Through Akrad's being consistent and persistent, his perseverance paid off and he did experience success and great wealth.  Learning to live on less than you earn, takes discipline. Are you familiar with the 10 - 10 - 80 rule? Tithe 10%, Invest 10% and live on 80% of what you earn.

I've read that the majority of Americans believe the only way they will become wealthy is by receiving an inheritance or by winning the lottery! HA! I believe God intends for us all to live an abundant life - if your are blessed, then be a blessing! It takes strong will power, discipline and smart investing to make you wealthy!

The good news for MonaVie Distributors? We have the best vehicle in MonaVie for creating wealth, not only for you but anyone you know who is willing to do what it takes to succeed!!! Now it's up to you!!! Just Do It!!!!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Network Marketing: Why We ROCK!

Comments: (3)

If all of these big time business men think Network Marketing is a good idea, who are we to question it????


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Monday, August 30, 2010

Aristizabal Conference Call!

Comments: (2)
Join us every Monday Night for an uplifting, informative call to support your growth in this MonaVie journey! A variety of topics will include: Discover your Why; Over-coming objections; How to acquire the skill of Inviting; etc. We will have many different speakers from many different levels in the business! When: Mondays (excluding the nights of the MonaVie Organizational calls) Time: 9:30pm EDT What: Call 712-432-0075 Enter code: 862848
Dream it! Believe it! Achieve it!! Live it!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Ultimate Definition of Excellence!

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To get what we've never had, we must do what we've never done. Are you willing to do WHAT it takes to have success? Sometimes it takes that little extra effort to achieve greatness. I love the little movie 212 Degrees!
In Attitude: The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible!
In Belief: Belief fuels enthusiasm and enthusiasm explodes into passion, it fires our souls and lifts our spirits.
In Focus: Having a simple, clearly defined goal, can capture the imagination and inspire passion. It can cut through the fog like a beacon in the night.
In Perseverance: Being persistent and consistent in your activities.
Can you do it? YES! Will you????????????????


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you In?

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This is a Message of Encouragement.  We talk about the importance of the Big Events and how powerful they fire you up to succeed.  Get on your journey as we want to see you with us.  We will be having a weekly Monday night call so put it on your schedule and join us to learn more about the latest MonaVie news and updates.  Check our site and facebook for the call details soon.

Make it a Fabulous MonaVie Day!

Shelly & Ed Aristizabal

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gold Rush/Diamond Run Leadership

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Lesson - 5
Hello MonaVie Leaders:

This is good stuff! How can you change your viewpoint in regards to your Prospect List?  Who are the people you have not called to share MonaVie with, based on FEAR! You are afraid they will say no, you are afraid they might think you are a crazy juice person, you are afraid ________(we all have a bunch of items we could put in the blank)... Fear & Faith cannot occupy the same space!!! Make that LIST, reread March 18 in the Connect with God Daily Devotional we are reading, THEN make those calls!!! Be so excited about MonaVie that everyone you talk to will start asking "What have they got that we don't?"

Look at it this way, before you call the person on your list, they are not in your business. The worst that can happen is they might say "no". Can you survive & overcome that? YES! What is the best that can happen? They say YES & you Sponsor them on a 12 case autoship!!! What is most likely to happen? They will be, or they will know someone open to the idea of better health & wealth, then you ITS them!

You can do it! How do I know? More people have said NO to me then all of you combined & I survived and made the rank of Black Diamond - so you can too!!! Please share your success stories with me!

This is going to be a GREAT MonaVie week!!!!


Lesson #5

Change Your Viewpoint

--Leaders change their viewpoints and assist others in doing so to reveal their blind spots

Ophthalmologists are eye doctors. They have a name for a blind spot on the eye: it's called a scotoma. If you have a scotoma, you can see all around something, but not where the blind spot is. So, if I am looking right at you, I might be able to see your whole face, except for your nose.

Now, I can either cure the blind spot or I can change my viewpoint. If I take two steps to the left, then I still have my scotoma or blind spot, but now, with this new viewpoint, I can see your whole face and your nose, too.

Many times we want a result badly, but we do not see achieving it as realistic. That's simply a blind spot we have.

You can shift a blind spot through brainstorming with other people where you are offered someone else's viewpoint. Blind spots can be healed by having a revelation, even an emotional experience that alters their viewpoint of reality.

The author who wrote the famous song, "Amazing Grace," had such a revelation. He was a 26-year-old slave trader on his way from Africa to the United States in the early 1800's. His ship ran into a deadly storm. He prayed to God for a miracle. The storm cleared and he and the ship were saved. He returned immediately to Africa and released all 120 slaves. He then went to England and became a leader of the abolitionist movement.

Many times the life experiences required to have a revelation are too expensive. That's why experiential learning in a good seminar or with a great coach can be so valuable. You can have the benefit of healing a scotoma and not pay anywhere near the cost that life often requires.

The Greek word "metanoia" means to change your viewpoint. The word "sin," in old English, was yelled by someone standing near an archery target to indicate you missed the bull's eye in the center. Feeling guilty is not the focus. If you missed the mark, change your viewpoint and you will hit the mark.

What can you do this week to change a viewpoint that is not giving and getting you the results you want?


If you're not achieving the results you want, you probably have blind spots that are obscuring your viewpoint. A deeply emotional experience can alter your viewpoint in an instant.

Action Step #1

Look at your personal or professional life and pick out a goal you are struggling to accomplish or any situation that isn't the way you want it to be.

Now, meet with two or three people from different professions than yours or who have vastly different interests or experiences. Brainstorm with them, asking what they would do if they were you? No reasons for why it can't be done are allowed. Your job is to listen. Let each person contribute ways to improve your result. It doesn't mean you have to do exactly what they say. Your goal is to change your viewpoint, so you don't sin and miss the target.

"The first thing to growth and change is to catch your-self being yourself."

--Todd Demorest

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book of the Month Discussion Group!!!

Comments: (3)
Let's start a Book Discussion Group!!! Ed & I are reading The Richest Man in Babylon now & would like to start a discussion. I've learned that the way something really "sinks in" is when you have an emotional attachment - hearing what others think opens up my mind - and this will be FUN! There is so much WISDOM in books & let's pour into each other!!! Please get the book, start reading! Our goal is to read the 144 page book this month = about 5 pages a day! Please make comments daily or weekly - maybe we can do a conference call with the group at the end  of the month!!!
Read, Listen & Participate!!! Happy Reading!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quick Tip - Determine Your "WHY"

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Trying out YouTube for 2 Minute Quick Tips!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Food for Thought: "Anyway"

Comments: (2)
Mother Teresa had the following piece, which is all about being bold and acting in the face of fear, engraved on her children's home in Calcutta.
It's called "Anyway."

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.

MonaVie's Operation REscue

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Plan your Work and Work your Plan!

Comments: (4)

Your Dream Drives you to completing your Plan.  I've made a video that shares how to work your plan and schedule yourself on a calendar to achieve your dreams.  Visit www.brighart.com to get a great CD from Randy Schroeder.  I also wanted to share about the exciting Family Reunion coming up August 20th and I'd love to see all of you there.  We have it on our calendar as something we would not miss to achieve our dreams. 

What is on your calendar? 

If you post your comments I'll send you a nice email and you'll be entered into our drawing to have a special lunch with Ed and I.

PS.  There was a big storm the day I recorded this video and the voice and video are a little off.  Please bear with me as I share with you how I have Planned my Work and Work my Plan.  The technology today amazes me and I'm learning everyday to be a better part of the internet world as it evolves.  I would encourage you to take a step onto the internet social media arena and start posting on blogs, facebook, twitter and other social sites.  It's a great way to spread the word quickly.  Here is a link to MonaVie's Blog which recently highlighted our social media interactions... MonaVie Blog

Cheers to your dreams,
Shelly & Ed

Is it Time that you want, or more time?

Comments: (1)

Is it time that you want, or more time? Health, or better health? An income,
or a bigger income? Freedom, or greater freedom? Whatever your goals are, MonaVie can help you achieve them. We BELIEVE in YOU! Love, Ed and Shelly

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Go-Getter's "Daily Dozen"!

Comments: (2)
Maui, Hawaii is our Diamond Destination! Are you doing something EVERYDAY towards your MonaVie business? Since it is impossible to "manage time" - we all have the same 24 hours each day - how do you manage your activities?? I recommend following the The Go-Getter's "Daily Dozen" - Done Daily Builds Character!!!

 1. Give Thanks - Have an Attitude of Gratitude!
 2. Family Time - Kids like Quality & Quantity!
 3. Review Goals & Dreams - MonaVie Diamond!
                                                                                      Financial Freedom = Personal Freedom
                                                                                     4. Read for 15 Minutes - Book of the Month:
                                                                                         Kiyosaki's - "The Business for the 21st Century"
                                                                                      5. Listen to CD's - Make your car a rolling
                                                                                            University - crave knowledge!
                                                                                      6. STP & Follow Ups - The Fortune is in the
                                                                                           Follow Up!!!
                                                                                      7. Exercise - we are in the WELLNESS industry!
                                                                                      8. Place Product ITS! Place 1 bottle a day for 200
                                                                                           days - foundation for Diamond!
                                                                                      9. Make10Phone Calls - Call in P.E.A.R. Report
                                                                                     10. Up Your Dosage - Get AMPED!
                                                                                     11. List Things to Do - Plan your work 'n work
                                                                                             your plan! Be prepared!
                                                                                     12. Positive Confession - I am a DIAMOND!

Monday, August 2, 2010

MonaVie Organizational Call! Guest: Shelly Aristizabal!!!

Comments: (2)
North America Organizational Call—Monday, August 2, 7 p.m. (Mountain Time)

MonaVie invites you to participate in the North America Organizational Call Monday, August 2, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time).

Click here to listen to the call online. Or, dial one of the numbers below on Monday, August 2, at 7 p.m. (Mountain Time). You won’t have a more inspiring or productive 30 minutes all week!

MonaVie Senior Vice President Jeff Graham will be joined by special guests from corporate as well as Black Diamond leader Shelly Aristizabal and Gold Executive Dan Brooks. Shelly and Dan will each share practical tips on how you can achieve your goals and dreams through the MonaVie opportunity.
If you join us on the call, you’ll also be the first to hear about exciting promotions and giveaways from corporate as well as Director of North America Cade Napierski’s “Tip from the Hip.”
USA & Territories, Canada




1-866-352-4928 (PIN: 4928#)


1-904-596-2373 (PIN: 7878295#)

Please note that the monthly North America Organizational Call now replaces the Executive Leadership Call.

Inviting People to a Tasting Party

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This video I share some tips about Tasting Parties. I talk a bit about what I did when I first started having my own Tasting Parties and how I invited friends and family.  I learned the FORM technique to help talk to them and see if they had an interest in attending and learning more about MonaVie.  FORM stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation, Motivation, I explain them in detail in the video.  So go ahead and make some comments on your Tasting parties and what you have done to have some success.  Also if you have any other questions please send us an email.

See you at our next Tasting!
Shelly and Ed Aristizabal

Friday, July 30, 2010

Leadership Lesson - 3

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Hello Gold Rush/Diamond Runners!

This lesson stems from a common theme in every personal development book I've read... So now I am asking you "How can I serve you?" Give us a call this week Shelly 239-777-3807 & Ed 239-777-3746!

Have a fabulous MonaVie week!



Klemmer Leadership Lesson #3

Giving to Get

--Leaders work on giving more than they work on getting

The famous statesman and prime minister of England, Sir Winston Churchill, once said, "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

Do you spend more time on what you are getting out of your job, such as your salary, or on how much you can give to the receptionist, to your boss, to someone in another department, going that extra mile for your customer?

Do you spend more time on what you are getting out of a personal relationship or on what you can give to it?

How can you give more this week? Take a moment now to think of all you can give to people.

If you are in networking, you have a product, service, and a business opportunity to give people. If you are a partner, manager, or employee, you can give to people on your team by giving them encouragement, assistance, and support.

You can give to people who are stumbling or stuck by giving them a nudge to take action when they are scared or complacent. You can give to people by really listening to them. You can give to people by stretching them in what they believe they can be, and do and have. You can give someone money or time or knowledge.

Remember that giving or being of service is giving to others what they truly need and want, and not simply what you want to give them.
You can also give to yourself. Sometimes--many times--we overlook that in our giving to others. Maybe you give time to family, church, community, but don't take any time for yourself. Perhaps taking an hour walk just for you would be a great gift to give yourself.

Can you give more this week to others and yourself than you did last week? Keep track of your giving this week with a simple list or a "Giving Journal." Remember, you make a living by what you GET and you make a life by what you GIVE.


Remember to make a life, not just a living. Ask the people you meet how it is that you can support or give to them, instead of assuming what it is they want. Give time, money, respect to yourself as much as you give to others.
Action Step #1
Take one day this week and focus on giving to people who you do not expect to receive anything from in return.
An Example

If you are in the field operations of your company, call the corporate accounting department and ask how you can support them or send a gift (like a pizza for lunch) to the people in customer service. Write a "thank you" note and include it in a bill you are paying. Put a dollar bill in an envelope and send it to a stranger. Pay the toll for the car behind you. Notice how this giving with "no strings attached" makes you feel.
Action Step #2
Take a significant part of one day this week and give it to yourself. Any needs or demands from family, business, and the community should go on a different day. Write down how you felt about what you did and how you felt at the end of the day.
An Example
Pick something you enjoy that you haven't done in a while, such as reading for pleasure, going for a walk in a park, watching a movie, having coffee with friends, or simply spending quiet time by yourself.

"If love is the answer could someone repeat the question"

--Lily Tomlin

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Diamond Story

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The video above is a short story from Kimberly Payano and Gustavo Payano on how they went Diamond in our MonaVie business.  They have been enjoying the juice, helping others and excited about the incentives MonaVie offers.  The Free trip to Hawaii will be soon but there is always next year for those on the Destination Diamond.  We are so happy about all the possibilities.  The future is always bright with MonaVie!

Maui Hawaii! Diamond Destination!

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Just made our reservation with MonaVie travel agent for our FREE trip to Hawaii! When do you plan to join us? YOU can go Diamond! How? Join the Diamond Run at http://www.brighart.com/!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Asking Questions Make a Difference

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When enjoying the benefits of MonaVie we have learned to ask a few questions to help share the product and why we believe it's the right choice. Here is a video that has some important tips on how we are moving forward to be Ambassadors of Health.

To your Happiness and Health,
Shelly & Ed