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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Troy on MonaVieontheMove.com

February 14, 2011


Troy Hicks Reveals His Best Self
MonaVie distributors all across North America are revealing their best selves with MonaVie RVL. Here’s what Troy Hicks from Flowery Branch, Georgia, had to say about his new healthy lifestyle…

“I have loved MonaVie since the beginning and have believed in the opportunity since day one. Being in the construction industry the past three years has been very trying for us, as we have seen a life of building a business and future crumble right before our eyes. My wife Dianne has supported every business venture I have been a part of through the years, and I felt very guilty for losing the financial security we have spent our life together building. The stress of our ruin caused me to start experiencing health issues, including weight gain.

“When we first heard about MonaVie RVL, I told Dianne this is my chance to support her in MonaVie. Then, I began the MonaVie RVL program and thought, ‘What have I gotten myself into! I’m a food connoisseur; I can’t live on two shakes a day!’

“Thank God for his grace! After starting the program, the weight started coming off and my excitement started rising. The MonaVie RVL program is going so great for me. I have more energy, more focus, and more confidence. I’m working out, walking, and running; and, I’m more focused with every thought and feeling.

“I’ve now lost 60 pounds, and our MonaVie business is growing. To sum it all up, MonaVie RVL has helped me in every area of my life!”

Share Your Story Today
Do you have an amazing success story involving the MonaVie RVL Premier Weight Solution? Share it at www.monaviervl.com,