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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Share MonaVie Joy!!!

MonaVie Holiday Gift Packs* are back!
Give the gift of health this holiday season. Holiday gift packs are perfect for friends and family and can be a great way to introduce others to MonaVie.
Each Holiday Gift Pack comes with the following items:
•2 bottles of MonaVie Active, MonaVie Pulse, or MonaVie (M)mūn

•A special Healthy Holidays greeting card

•Product brochure

Log into your Virtual Office and order one today!

Item No. Item Wholesale PV

1130500101 2 bottles MonaVie Active US$52 25

1130490101 2 bottles MonaVie Pulse US$52 25

1130510101 2 bottles MonaVie (M)mūn US$52 25

Item No. Item Wholesale PV

1130500201 2 bottles MonaVie Active CAD$55 25

1130490201 2 bottles MonaVie Pulse CAD$55 25

1130510201 2 bottles MonaVie (M)mūn CAD$55 25