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Friday, July 30, 2010

Leadership Lesson - 3

Hello Gold Rush/Diamond Runners!

This lesson stems from a common theme in every personal development book I've read... So now I am asking you "How can I serve you?" Give us a call this week Shelly 239-777-3807 & Ed 239-777-3746!

Have a fabulous MonaVie week!



Klemmer Leadership Lesson #3

Giving to Get

--Leaders work on giving more than they work on getting

The famous statesman and prime minister of England, Sir Winston Churchill, once said, "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

Do you spend more time on what you are getting out of your job, such as your salary, or on how much you can give to the receptionist, to your boss, to someone in another department, going that extra mile for your customer?

Do you spend more time on what you are getting out of a personal relationship or on what you can give to it?

How can you give more this week? Take a moment now to think of all you can give to people.

If you are in networking, you have a product, service, and a business opportunity to give people. If you are a partner, manager, or employee, you can give to people on your team by giving them encouragement, assistance, and support.

You can give to people who are stumbling or stuck by giving them a nudge to take action when they are scared or complacent. You can give to people by really listening to them. You can give to people by stretching them in what they believe they can be, and do and have. You can give someone money or time or knowledge.

Remember that giving or being of service is giving to others what they truly need and want, and not simply what you want to give them.
You can also give to yourself. Sometimes--many times--we overlook that in our giving to others. Maybe you give time to family, church, community, but don't take any time for yourself. Perhaps taking an hour walk just for you would be a great gift to give yourself.

Can you give more this week to others and yourself than you did last week? Keep track of your giving this week with a simple list or a "Giving Journal." Remember, you make a living by what you GET and you make a life by what you GIVE.


Remember to make a life, not just a living. Ask the people you meet how it is that you can support or give to them, instead of assuming what it is they want. Give time, money, respect to yourself as much as you give to others.
Action Step #1
Take one day this week and focus on giving to people who you do not expect to receive anything from in return.
An Example

If you are in the field operations of your company, call the corporate accounting department and ask how you can support them or send a gift (like a pizza for lunch) to the people in customer service. Write a "thank you" note and include it in a bill you are paying. Put a dollar bill in an envelope and send it to a stranger. Pay the toll for the car behind you. Notice how this giving with "no strings attached" makes you feel.
Action Step #2
Take a significant part of one day this week and give it to yourself. Any needs or demands from family, business, and the community should go on a different day. Write down how you felt about what you did and how you felt at the end of the day.
An Example
Pick something you enjoy that you haven't done in a while, such as reading for pleasure, going for a walk in a park, watching a movie, having coffee with friends, or simply spending quiet time by yourself.

"If love is the answer could someone repeat the question"

--Lily Tomlin