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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Plan your Work and Work your Plan!

Your Dream Drives you to completing your Plan.  I've made a video that shares how to work your plan and schedule yourself on a calendar to achieve your dreams.  Visit www.brighart.com to get a great CD from Randy Schroeder.  I also wanted to share about the exciting Family Reunion coming up August 20th and I'd love to see all of you there.  We have it on our calendar as something we would not miss to achieve our dreams. 

What is on your calendar? 

If you post your comments I'll send you a nice email and you'll be entered into our drawing to have a special lunch with Ed and I.

PS.  There was a big storm the day I recorded this video and the voice and video are a little off.  Please bear with me as I share with you how I have Planned my Work and Work my Plan.  The technology today amazes me and I'm learning everyday to be a better part of the internet world as it evolves.  I would encourage you to take a step onto the internet social media arena and start posting on blogs, facebook, twitter and other social sites.  It's a great way to spread the word quickly.  Here is a link to MonaVie's Blog which recently highlighted our social media interactions... MonaVie Blog

Cheers to your dreams,
Shelly & Ed


Nicole Flothe said...

Hi Shelly,
I think Calendar's are the best as I have one right beside my desk and I post all my appts. This way I can set my month up for success.

Great message.

Cheryl Phelps said...

Just testing to see if my comments post.....

Cheryl Phelps said...

Great! Looks like my comments are posting now. Thanks Shelly and Nicole for taking care of that.

Would like to add that the calendar Brig has set up for us is so useful with all the important events pre-printed for us. I would love to see it in a pocket size that would be easy to travel with.

Thanks Shelly for taking time for the blog. You know that I travel a lot and having the blog helps me to feel connected while away. Looking forward to working more closely with you and Ed!

Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.