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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jay Caudill's RVL BLOG!

Ok. I’ll say it. I’m fat. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have struggled with my weight since I hit my late 20’s. My weight issues have been difficult for me because when I was younger, I was pretty athletic. I played soccer, football, hockey, basketball, golf, ran cross country, wrestled, and trained in the martial arts. I am ashamed to say it, but I shy away from sports now because I know I can’t perform at a level which would satisfy me. I have a sedentary profession, work long hours, and basically put my physical fitness at the bottom of my priority list. That is not to say that I have always been fat in the last several years. I have ridden a weight roller coaster. I hit the tread mill, tried boxing, and lifting weights. I enjoyed that, but I could never get settled on a diet and I would fall off the wagon. I have tried every fad diet. Those have worked temporarily, but I have never felt satisfied because I never found a diet lifestyle that I was comfortable with. It was too difficult to count calories, remember what food I could eat in unlimited quantities or to stomach the taste of diet food. I didn’t have enough patience and never found anything that I felt I could stick to.
RVL HAS ME EXCITED! For the first time in my life, I actually don’t mind dieting. The meal replacement shake tastes great (it does not taste like diet food) and the pill curbs my hunger. Most importantly, I know I am losing weight safely and with the BEST PRODUCTS THAT ARE ON THE MARKET! PERIOD!!!!! In three weeks, I have lost 17.5 pounds. Now, this is during the holiday season mind you. This is the time when EVERYONE is gaining weight. Not me! I am down a pant size (probably 2). At my fattest I was struggling to fit into my pants, now a pants size smaller is getting lose! All I am doing is following the weight management program: shake, snack and pill, shake, snack and pill, sensible dinner. I have exercised some, but honestly, I have not met the daily 30 minutes suggested by the program. I am excited to see where I will be by the next convention. Why don’t you show up to find out?
I challenge those who haven’t tried it to give RVL a shot for a month and make a COMMITMENT to abide by the program. I think that you will be shocked and pleased at the results. I KNOW THAT I AM! For those on the product, keep up the diet and exercise. Your family deserves the best, healthiest you that you can be. Come to convention and share your success story with me!
