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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Calls & Webinars

Hi Everyone! Hope 2012 is off to a productive start for you! I just wanted to encourage you to learn about MonaVie 2.0 & MVP & RVLution and all the exciting things happening at MonaVie! I recommend you go to www.MonaVieontheMove.com on a regular basis to stay up to date on the  news! And now in your Virtual Office please check in the Document Library for archived webinars and great print outs for creating your own RVLution and more! 

I will do my best to keep you informed of any conference calls and webinars coming up. If anyone from MonaVie Corp. is hosting something on a Monday evening - I will not have my coaching call that same night. For example this Monday, February 13, Mark Macdonald is doing a Webinar (see below) - please register for this! I will not do my coaching call this Monday - please join me February 20!

We have started our own RVLution here in Naples, Florida - it is very easy to invite people to join us for a walk on the beach or a fun workout and we sip on an EMV during the workout. I always mix up a shake after the workout, and I happen to have an extra one to share... We are having fun, getting fit & healthy with our friends! A great way to share MonaVie with others...

Please leave comments here on the blog - let's share ideas with each other! This is Your Year to discover that you too can live the life of your dreams! 

