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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

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MVP Learning Center to Launch Wed., Feb. 15

MonaVie Distributor Leaders,

We are excited to offer you a sneak preview of the new MVP Learning Center, which will launch in the United States and Canada this Wednesday, February 15, 2012.

At launch, the following courses and content will be available for purchase through your Virtual Office:
  • MonaVie MVP Certification Series – This series of seven video-based courses will explore the numerous enhancements to products, systems, and tools that were announced as part of MonaVie 2.0.
  • Body Confidence with Mark Macdonald – In this mobile companion course to the Body Confidence system, a revolutionary approach based on three key nutrition factors that stabilize your blood sugar and keep your body in balance, Mark Macdonald walks you through the key factors of his plan.
Additional courses and certifications will follow.

To become better acquainted with the new MVP Learning Center, we invite you to view a free introductory course entitled, MVP Learning & Business Building System. Text the word "MVP" to 878787 (in the United States) or 32075 (in Canada) to view on your mobile device, or click here to access from your computer.

We know that the success of any new initiative is enhanced with your support. Embrace these new learning tools by familiarizing yourself with them when they become available on Wednesday, and then become an advocate for learning in your organization. Make learning a key contributor to your organization’s competitive advantage!
