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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Home of the Winning Score!

MonaVie VIEW: What’s Your Life Score?

We are accustomed to knowing key health indicators, such as our weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol. In addition to these important numbers, your antioxidant score is worth your attention…
A measure of the presence of antioxidants in the body, your Life Score is essential to seeing the complete picture when it comes to your health.
Why antioxidants are important for your health
Researchers around the world have been studying the “Free Radical Theory of Aging,” which states that reactive molecules called free radicals cause cellular damage throughout the body, leading to the signs of aging.

Because dietary antioxidants can reduce free radical damage, some scientists and health professionals have made associations between antioxidant levels and many aspects of overall health and well-being.
What is VIEW?
VIEW, MonaVie’s soon-to-be-released antioxidant scanner, is a non-invasive device that measures the level of antioxidants in your body, and provides you a quantifiable Life Score.

Be among the first to experience VIEW, the MonaVie Antioxidant Scanner, by joining us in Anaheim at the Acceler8 convention, September 7–8, 2012. Register today!
Also at Acceler8 Convention…
  • Get details on the availability of VIEW, MonaVie’s Antioxidant Scanner.       
  • Hear from renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell and be inspired by Spencer West.
  • Learn business-building tips from corporate leaders and industry experts.
  • Mingle with and hear from top distributors.
  • Accelerate your personal growth and business opportunities!
Register for Acceler8 today and get ready to view your antioxidant health with the MonaVie Antioxidant Scanner!