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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 15 - Gold Rush Coaching

Let's face it. You can have a HUGE WHY, that even makes you cry! You can BELIEVE in the product, the company, and even yourself. You can read the books, listen to every Black Diamond Documentary & CD on R3Global. You can participate in every conference call, open meeting and attend every MonaVie event. You can do all of those things and still not have a big business. WHY? What is missing?

I believe the #1 skill (good news, a skill can be learned) in building this business is successfully recruiting new distributors. Arguably, the most important element to building a successful MonaVie business, is the willingness and ability to expose the MonaVie product and opportunity to quality people AND engaging them to drink it, feel it & SHARE it themselves!!! Are you an enthusiastic persuader/recruiter?

Start with your list. Do you have a list of prospects that you are adding to daily? Work today on getting 100+ names written down. Friends, family, co-workers, parents of your kid's friends, business owners, people you do business with i.e.- hair salon, dry cleaner, the receptionist at your Dentist office, etc. Where will you be today that you will meet people? Pumping gas, kids sporting event, at lunch, etc.

BTW, keep that HUGE WHY in front of you when you get to name 25, 50 or 75 and you think you are done!!! You can get 100!!

Let's GO!!!