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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gold Rush Coaching - Day 23

MonaVie, A More Meaningful Life!

Ed and I are just home from Utah and the MonaVie Imagine and R3Global Leadership Convention 2011! Imagine the possibilities for your life as a MonaVie Diamond Executive!

Sr. Vice President, Jeff Graham would like to encourage all of us to Make this year personal –“I am Jeff Graham and I am MonaVie”! Exciting to know we are all participating in a $$Multi-Billion company with a heart for its distributors!

I would like to share a few of my thoughts as I heard the personal success stories of all the new R3Global Diamonds and Black Diamonds;

Imagine how you want your life to look one year from today.

Ask. what do I need to do today, to have the life I want a year from now?

Make a decision to pursue your dream life, then get some information, plug into MonaVie, R3Global and your Active upline support to Take Action!

Know that success in Life may not be easy, but being unsuccessful is much HARDER!!!!

Imagination + Belief + Effort = Success = Joy = A Meaningful Life!

Hey, Let’s Go Diamond, together!

Shelly Aristizabal
I am MonaVie!