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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 26 Gold Rush Coaching - Recruiting

Keep your dreams in front of you at all times!!!

This industry is sometimes referred to as "relational marketing". I like that term. People want to do business with people they admire, trust, respect, value and like. Become "that" person by reading books like "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.

Then you will want to put yourself around people! I would like to suggest you simply get involved in activities that you enjoy doing. You will then be able to meet people who you have something in common. If you are a stay at home mom - join some Mommy Groups. If you like sports- join a league, volunteer coach, attend games, join a booster alumni club, etc. Take a class on something that interest you. Get involved in the community. Volunteer for a charity. Attend charitable and fund-raising events. Have FUN!!!

Smile : ) MORE! Strike up conversations with people at the gym, school, coffee shop, restaurants, stores, offices, kid's activities, and even at the library or bookstores.

It is a great idea to catch people doing something good, give compliments and be interested in them. I tell my kids that you need to be a friend to make friends. Try to find some common ground. Chances are they will like you, and ask you about why you are so happy... MonaVie, of course! They may just know someone looking...

This is a wonderful process, you meet the most interesting people along the way to building relationships and a business! Why not make a goal to add at least 1 new person to your list everyday!!!
Let's Go Diamond together!
Shelly Aristizabal
I am MonaVie!