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Friday, October 29, 2010

Ed's RVL - End of week 2!!!

Well, its the end of week #2. The results are in: 10lbs lost. I am happy with this. Well, kind-of. Went to my closet to find a pear of jeans to wear and even my "Skinny" jeans were baggy as can be. I think I will have to invest in clothes, or belts?
A couple of mile stones for me this week:
1) again this is a world record weight for me(well world record in the past 10 years)
2) This is a BIGGY: I went to the movies with my daughter Emma today. Here is the biggy and Shelly knows this is HUGE. READY??? I DID NOT, repeat DID NOT, have any BUTTERED POPCORN, nor popcorn of any kind. Now I'm the kind of guy that likes Movie Popcorn filled up Half way, then buttered. Then filled, and buttered again. I would be dead if it weren't for PULSE. Now believe me, I was talking to myself throughout the whole movie to keep myself from going to buy popcorn. Somehow, I prevailed and did not do it. I am dying for some now as I write this. Its killing me.
I filled out my survey today. As a Beta tester or whatever you call this test, we have agreed to fill out a weekly survey. It asks what could be better about the product, ideas etc...but one section asks about all these feelings that one can potential be feeling/experiencing. There were pages and pages of adjectives to describe one's feelings while this is all going on. I guess because "they" know that anyone trying to lose weight is going through a lot. We are all talking to ourselves to stay strong, stick with it etc... etc...It was a rather lengthy and thorough survey if you ask me. It did ask what I thought could be done to make it any better. The only suggestion I made was, Combine the snack bar with the pill. It just eliminates one other thing to think about and after all, it is a pill. But maybe for weight management, its likely that people will not NEED to take the pill so that is why they keep it separate?
I had some major issues keeping up with the plan this weekend. I went camping with one of my boys, Alex, and about 2,200 others at a big scouting event. Anyway, my "Sensible dinner, night one was: a hot dog. And boy was it a good hot dog. It was on white, wonder bread bun, you know, the kind you never buy because they are so awful for you. The dog was grilled and slightly charred, plump, juicy, loaded with ketchup, but more mustard (not fattening) and just fricken incredible. I would have to say, due to the circumstances and environment, it had to be a top 10 dog in my life. And once again, only Shelly can really appreciate that statement because I am a hot dog connoisseur(thank God for Spell Check!!). I have had every kind of dog imaginable and on top of that, I have put every type of topping you could ever think of on one. And I will buy a dog for sale ANYWHERE--Roadside, stable, mechanic shop, little league game, concession stand of any kind, you name it, I'll buy one if they are for sale---PERIOD. Despite the simplicity of the one I had that night, it was a top 10 dog!!!
Anyway, on night #2, my son Alex, who is such a picky eater, just raved about the spaghetti and had seconds. The kid never likes anything. On this day, his name could have easily been MIKEY. He liked it, so I HAD to try it. I was able to just eat a small portion and just doubled up on the salad.
So.....overall, I was not able to really eat sensibly but I did keep my portions small. I actually lost weight this past weekend despite the camp out. I just think the fact that I was focused on the diet and thus kept my portions small, allowed me to continue my weight losing trend. Trust me, I thought I blew it and I was trying to figure out what I would be saying in my Blog due to gaining weight. However, to my surprise, I lost another 2 pounds. It could have been that I had to tote ALL the camping gear a total of a couple miles counting when we got there and when we left. If you know my son, "Big AL", he's not that big nor that much help, so, I carried ALOT-o-stuff. On the other hand, it was my only exercise on Friday and Sunday???
Bottom line is, I am feeling great. However, I could not have done this if it weren't once again, for the financial incentive and the accountability I have with those going through this with me and those who are counting on me to make it happen. Furthermore, I have been getting several supporting comments from those following these blogs. I thank all of you for your support. I just hope that YOU TOO will support others that you get on the Reveal Product, when it comes out. Be selective, be supportive and be patient. Going through a diet like this for many is, I can now say, pretty dramatic when you consider the changes one has to make in eating habits etc...and if they are even, half the eater I am (or used to be), I can understand people potentially going through some emotional turmoil especially in the beginning weeks. So.....remember, be there for them. This business continues(more then ever now) to be a business where you put the NEEDS of others FIRST, BEFORE your own and you will be rewarded in many ways.
Well that's all for now. I suspect, the way things are going, by next Monday night, I hope to be at a total weight loss of between 13 and 15 pounds. That will leave me only 10 more pounds to go. Pretty amazing that it CAN happen so fast. TROY in GA thus far has lost 15 pounds and he started 2-3 days AFTER I did. Kimberly in Ft. Myers is at about the same pace I'm at. There is a guy in Flowery Branch, near Troy, who, according to Troy, has lost 22 lbs in his first two weeks. From what I hear, EVERYONE is having amazing results.
ITS GONNA BE BIG!!! How big-------REALLY BIG!!! Everyone however will be really small!!!!!

Ed Aristizabal
MonaVie Black Diamond


RainierMonavie said...

Is Ed posting any before and after pics?
I'd like to show people the physical results.
Is Ed posting on the official RVL site anytime soon? That would be great!