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Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 11 Gold Rush Coaching

MonaVie is the first network marketing business I have done. If you are a first-time/last-time like me, {a large percentage of MonaVie leaders are}, I was fascinated by all the possibilities of success this opportunity offered. Better health for me and my family - physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually, financially and spiritually. I jumped in head first, just plain excited and I made tons of mistakes!!!
My goal for you, with this Gold Rush Coaching, is to simply shorten your learning curve! I am hoping by offering you tips on things to do and what not to do, you can learn from mine and other MonaVie leader's experiences.
Today I would like to suggest you watch a couple of videos to help you better understand this wonderful industry of network marketing. Much can be learned about the future by studying the past. Go to http://usa.monavieuniversity.com/business-tools/united-states-business-tools/ Business Tools - watch Evolution of Network Marketing and Twenty Years.

Let's GO!
